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The Universal Declaration of Human Rights" (the "Universal Declaration") was developed in order to limit those atrocities which followed the disorder of human dignity of WWII. The Universal Declaration is broken down into two categories

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1) In "The Annan Principles" what is being redefined in its most basic sense?

The concept of the UN itself

The notion of State sovereignty

The right to individual freedom

2) In 1979 UN General Assembly described the CEDAW as:

" enabling treaty to allow women more choice"

" an international Bill of Rights for women"

"...a treaty for women from all countries and for all races"

3) Article 4(2) to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) provides for a number of "Non-Derogable" rights. The "Right to Life" is one of these. Can you name two others?

"Freedom from Movement", and "Freedom from Religious Intolerance"

"Freedom from Prison" and "Freedom from Military Training"

"Freedom from Racial Intolerence" and "Freedom from Hanging"

"Freedom from Torture and Inhumane Treatment" and "Freedom of Thought, Conscious and Religion"

"Freedom from Cultural Intolerance" and "Freedom of Thought, Conscious and Religion"

4) For our purposes. the definition of the term "Human Rights" that we use in this course is:

Universal rights available to all mankind

Rights and freedoms for all mankind which must be recognised by all nation states

A significant right or freedom, possessed by all men and women, which should be universally applied regardless of where the individual may be

5) The concept of "Sovereignty" is one of the fundamental concepts of International Law. Article 2 to the UN Charter provides the concept that:

"The organisation is based on nations providing security for all."

"The organisation is based on the principles of the sovereign equality of all its Members."

"The organisation is based on a group of nations united together for mutual benefit."

6) Statehood involves the occupation of territorial area and the notion of "Territorial Sovereignty". This implies that jurisdiction is exercised: over the land area, citizens and property of that State.

"Over the land area, citizens and property of that State"

"Over the territorial integrity and people of that State"

"Over the economy, law and security the State"

7) The English Magna Carta of 1215AD was the first English primitive attempt at:

A Bill of Rights, or rights for the people

An attempt to raise taxes by King John

A programme to secure King John''s fiefdom

8) Human rights basically differ from other rights in two main respects. What are these respects?

a. They are inherent and applicable to all human beings;

b. They are inalienable;

c. They may be obtained by qualification;

d. They are qualified by religious aspects (but regardless of religion alone); or

e. They are available to all people once they become adults.

all answers

A, D, & E

A & B

9) OUR definition of a ''Human Rightnull contains two essential words. What are these two words?

a. adult;

b. human;

c. international;

d. universal application;

e. life.

C and E

B and E

B and D

A and B

10) Do those indigneous (native) people within a Nation State enjoy the same level of individual rights as the majority of the citizens of that State?



It depends


11) In what year did the UN Charter enter in force?





12) In September, 2008, how many permanent members were there of the United Nations?




13) Crucial to the definition of the term "Refugee" is the question that a person must have:

"a desire to find a new home"

"somewhere to live"

"a well founded fear"

plz choose one of three

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