

Best Answer

1; Gold Is Discovered In Georgia

2; The Supreme Coury Says Georgia Indian Laws Are Unconstitutional

3; Jackson Supports The Indian Removal Act With Force

- Apexx :)

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Alex lieseil

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this is correct for apexx

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Q: List the following events in the correct chronological order Indians leave Georgia on the Trail of Tears the supreme court overturns the Georgia laws affecting Indians gold is discovered?
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Can the Supreme Court overturn a bill?

No. Only the President of the United States can do this. However, when a law is enacted, and then challenged in the court system, it may be appealed all the way up to the Supreme Court where it may then be ruled unconstitutional.

Who was the best president as chief legislator?

President Reagan was, when he was in office for two terms he vetoed 78 bills, and 8 were overturned. These vetos and overturns later helped out our economy in a great way.

Which action did the Marbury v. Madison ruling make possible?

the supreme court voids a new tax because it unconstitutionally targets religious minorities.

Which amendments changed specific language of the constitution?

I'm also struggling to answer this question for part of my summer assignment. I'm pretty sure that the 21st Amendment changes the language of the Constitution because it is repealing a previous amendment. I also think that the 17th Amendment possibly qualifies because it is changing the way Senatrs are elected. Im also fairly sure that the 13th Amendment changes language because it overturns the Fugitive Slave clause in Article IV. Possibly the 23rd, because it grants the right to vote to residents of D.C., which is not a state. The constitution says that only states have the right to vote blah, blah, blah. This one I'm really not sure about but it's possible that the 26th Amendment also changed specific language. Before this passed the voting age was 21, and this lowered it to 18, making me think that it had to change something, but it might have just been a law, I don't really know. Sorry this is so obscure, I , but like I said, I'm struggling with this question as well. This is what I came up with but I'm not sure it's right.

What happens when the US Supreme Court overturns a decision made by a lower court?

That depends on how much time has passed since the original precedent was set, and the consequences of the new ruling.In a situation such as Brown v. Board of Education,(1954) overturning the "separate but equal" doctrine arising from Plessy v. Ferguson, (1896), nothing can be done to rectify or redress past injustices. However, new precedents may effect indirect changes to other aspects of life.For example, the foundation for Brown v. Board of Education, (1954), was laid by other, smaller, cases undermining (Jim Crow) laws. Morgan v. Virginia, 328 US 373 (1946), desegregated interstate travel on buses, trains, etc. Although the decision in Morgan was not based directly on civil right concerns, but on state segregation statutes unfairly burdening federal interstate commerce, the result was still a step toward making fuller integration a reality.In a different type of example regarding the Court's apparently conflicting decisions on the constitutionality of capital punishment, the consolidated cases of Furman v. Georgia, 408 US 238 (1972) resulted in a (temporary) moratorium on juries imposing the death penalty because the Court was concerned that the sentence was being applied arbitrarily. In the Court's opinion, this constituted, in some instances, a violation of the 8th Amendment prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment. As a result of the decision in Furman, all inmates on death row had their sentences commuted to life.A few years later, the decision in the consolidated cases of Gregg v. Georgia, 428 US 153 (1976), combined with changes to state sentencing laws, reaffirmed the Court's acceptance of capital punishment as constitutional under the 8th Amendment. While this allowed juries to resume imposing the death penalty where state and the law considered it appropriate, it did not convert the penalty reductions granted under Furman back into death sentences. So Furman retroactively changed the outcome for some prisoners, but Gregg did not.The Supreme Court and the lower courts realize that precedent needs to be respected and considered very carefully in new decisions in order to prevent social and institutional chaos. This is one of the primary reasons the legal system relies on the doctrine of Stare decisis (Latin: Stare decisis et non quieta movere), meaning "let stand what has been decided." This principle compels lower courts to base decisions on precedents set by higher courts, with final judicial interpretation resting in the hands of the Supreme Court.In addition to overruling its own decisions, the Supreme Court is also vulnerable to having precedents altered by Congress. While subsequent legislation in reaction to Supreme Court decisions can change future rulings so that there may be a conflict between older and newer decisions, the U.S. Constitution expressly prohibits ex post facto laws (laws applied retroactively), so new legislation wouldn't change the verdict in cases decided before the law was enacted.

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Overturns a presidents veto?

Congressional Override

If a boat overturns should you swim to shore?

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thunderstorms form when an air mass becomes so unstable that it overturns violently.

Which amendment overturns a previous amendment?

The 21st Amendment that was written in 1933 overturned the 18th amendment that was written in 1917

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When a boat overturns it capsizes, and if it goes completely upside down it turns turtle.

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Words that rhyme with "sideburns" include adjourns, returns, concerns, and overturns.

What are five instances when Jesus set up your expectation then overturns them leading up to Jesus resurrection in the gospel of Luke?

u find it

Is Ron Paul Pro Life?

personally: yes. governmentally: states rights until supreme court overturns (if they do) roe v wade.

Why wont my Kia Spectra start after a light collision?

Try your emergency fuel shut of button reset, light collisions and overturns can trip it.

What causes spring overturn in a lake?

The rising temperature of water that melts ice. this process exchanges (overturns) water at the bottom with oxygen rich water.

What is the climax of the story the open boat?

The climax is the moment of greatest tension in a story. In The Open Boat the men jump off the boat into the water as the boat overturns as the climax.