John opposes technical or technological change, and has been a luddite for many years.
The word Americanize means to make American in character or nationality. You can use it in a sentence like although she was an immigrant she thought of herself as Americanized.
Gadhafi was an example of tyranny.
Example sentence - The executive branch of the government has again disappointed the masses.
She made an impassioned plea for mercy.
A seigneur is a French Canadian estate owner. An example sentence would be: The seigneur was a very nice gentleman.
Luddite or neo-luddite
"Luddite" is pronounced as "LUH-dyt." The emphasis is on the first syllable, and it rhymes with the word "mud."
The luddite revolts were quelled by the British government in 1813
Luddite : a person who resists technological progression.
Yes I certainly can make a sentence with that word.
how can make the sentence for word mercy
A Conservative (non-political) A Conservative (non-political) A Luddite
A Luddite - someone who hates technology A Technophobe - someone who is afraid of technology
I conclude that it is possible to make a sentence with the word "conclude."
Corroborative is the hardest word in the world to make a sentence for.
You can make the word stimulate into a sentence by seing what word best goes in front of it.
make sentence of yoke