The administrative function is the function of actually administering the law as declared by legislators and interpreted by the judiciary branch of government (Prof: Willoug By).
Public administration is both an academic disciplne and a practice
The importance of comparative public administration is to compare data across states and propose policies that benefit its citizens. Decisions are formed based on the findings.
There are many places where one can find jobs in many different areas. If the Public Works Administration is not hiring than the answer would be nowhere. In this case the indeed website claims to have jobs with the Public Works Administration.
answer public policy formulation and policy implementation
It confirmed public concerns about relationships between business and the Harding administration. The Teapot Dome Scandal was so important because it damaged the public viewpoint of the Harding administration.
they both serve the public
Public Administration is concerned with the management of public programs, which interact with the residents of the community or region. Those who work in it should share a commitment to offer public service. Negative reactions toward the system and its officials will often use the term "bureaucracy" (i.e. government by the deskholders), with connotations of an inflexible and unresponsive hierarchy that is unconcerned or ill-equipped in its fulfillment of public duties.
American political scientist Dwight Waldo is credited with creating eighteen definitions of public administration and organizing them into four categories: political, legal, occupational, and managerial. His work has been influential in shaping the understanding of public administration as a discipline.
there are two views according to the nature of publuic administration i.e interial and manegrialb according to the interial administration is the sum total of all the activities according to the manegrial administration is that managerial acvities of who are involved in planning organising managing cimmending etc
When someone has a managerial point of view, it means that they are evaluating a situation with the organizations' goals and constraint in mind.
The general public loved him/them and referred to the Administration as Camelot.
Following are the steps helps to managers while taking decisions.. 1.Establish objectives. 2.Define the problem. 3.identify factors that affect the problem. 4.specify alternative solutions. 5.collect data and other informations. 6.Evaluate and screen alternatives. 7.Implement best alternative and monitor result. I think these are the main process in managerial economics.. By -Nsk
comparative public administration mean the administration of public sectors.
public scrutiny in public administration while there is no public observation in private administration
What is the importance of studying public administration
is public administration alegitimate academic field? is public administration alegitimate academic field?