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President can only serve two terms of 4 years ea. But may be reelcted after another sitting president serves a term of 4.

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8 or two terms

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Q: Max years a president can serve?
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Related questions

How many times can a president be elected and the maximum years they can serve?

Two terms max each of four years

Can an American president serve more than one term?

max of 2 terms. (8 years)

How long can a man be president?

Four years in one term, Eight years if he is elected for a second term, but in the US a President can only serve two terms for a max of eight years.

What years did the president serve?

the president serve for four years in the united states.

How many terms can a president have?

i believe that they can serve two terms of four years, so eight years max.

Presidents can serve up to how many years?

Eight. Each term is 4 years. A president can serve a term and then get re-elected one time.

How many terms can a president serve in the White House?

A president can serve two presidential terms of four years. Altogether, he/she can serve eight years as president.

What is maximum presidential term length?

4 years Renewable once. A president can serve a max of 10 years if the Vice President gains office. He may then run for two more years.

How many years are in a president and vice president serve?

4 years

How many years did President Eisnhower serve as President?


What is the term for the US president and Mali president?

The US president has a term of 4 years and can serve 2 terms. The president of Mali has a term of 5 years and can serve 2 terms.

How many years does the president of mexico serve for?

6 years