Oh, dude, that's easy - it's Medicare! President Johnson signed the Medicare program into law in 1965 as part of his Great Society initiatives. So, like, if you need to thank someone for helping seniors get healthcare coverage, you can totally send a thank you card to LBJ.
The 12th amendment was ratified June 15, 1804 during Jefferson's first term, but in time to apply to the 1804 election when Jefferson ran for a second term. It changed the way in which the president and vice-president were elected.
The new deal was enacted in 1933 many of its programs were seen as unconstitutional a second new deal was enacted in 1934-36. Among its programs was social security, this was during the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Before embarking on a massive rehabilitation program. President Roxas met with President Harry Truman of the United States. He discussed with him the huge economic problems and the critical condition of the country.
The legeslation was similar to the proposals of the New Nationalism program.
President Johnson
lyndon Johnson It was president Johnson.
President James Monroa
During their first year in office
The Lend-Lease program was a program where the United States provided materials to the Allied nations during World War II and was enacted on March 11, 1941.
Medicare was signed into law on July 30, 1965. The program was started to provide health insurance coverage for senior citizens.
Republic Act 9163, also known as the National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act, was enacted on January 23, 2002, during the administration of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. The law made the NSTP mandatory for all college students in the Philippines.
Medicare is the name of the health plan for the elderly. It was created under Lyndon Johnson in 1965.
The FCC was enacted during the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1934.
Oh, dude, that's easy - it's Medicare! President Johnson signed the Medicare program into law in 1965 as part of his Great Society initiatives. So, like, if you need to thank someone for helping seniors get healthcare coverage, you can totally send a thank you card to LBJ.
Star Wars program