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Q: Military aide of British General Braddock and defender of the frontier after Braddock's defeat?
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Military aide of genral braddock and defender of the frontier after braddocks defeat?

George Washington

Military aide of British General Braddock and defender of the frontier?

George Washington was military aide of British General Braddock. He was also a defender of the frontier in the Americas.

What did native American use that Braddock's troop had built to raid frontier farms?

roads and bridges

When was Transylvanian Military Frontier created?

Transylvanian Military Frontier was created in 1762.

When did Transylvanian Military Frontier end?

Transylvanian Military Frontier ended in 1851.

Prompted widespread Indian assaults on the weakly defended colonial frontier?

Braddock's defeat at Fort Duquesne.

What gappened at Bradocks defeat in the french and Indian war?

braddocks defeat at fort dusquesne led to the prompted wide-spread of Indian assaults on the weakly defended colonial frontier

Why did General Braddock ignored General Washington's advice about how the British troops should march on the colonial frontier?

Stop cheating bro

After the Civil War what did the US military build the frontier?

After the Civil War, the US military built the frontier because of the American westward expansion.

Why did Turner believe that the American frontier was different from the European frontier?

Turner believed that the American frontier was different from the European frontier because the area was free and open. People could easily settle there. This was unlike the European frontier that was protected by the military.

What has the author Timothy D Trussell written?

Timothy D. Trussell has written: 'Frontier military medicine at Fort Hoskins, 1857-1865' -- subject- s -: Fort Hoskins - Or. -, Frontier and pioneer life, Medicine, Military, Military Medicine

After the Civil War what did the U.S. military build on the frontier?

forts 21