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The First Amendment covers the freedom of speech.

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Q: Name on right granted by the first amendment?
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Name one right of freedom found in the first amendment of the constitution?

Freedom of Assembly

Name one right guaranteed by the first amendment?

The First Amendment did not grant nor could it guarantee any rights. It was strictly a restrictive clause---prepared days after the ninth amendment that had people retain all rights mentioned in the First Amendment and many others. If there was any guarantee inferred by the First Amendment, it was that the government would not pass any laws that would abridge or cut short the rights -- already granted -- that was mentioned. Just like the Second Amendment which did not grant the right to own and bear arms (which was already in existed) but that the government shall not infringe upon that right. The first 10 amendments were not a Bill of Rights, and the Ninth referred to the Declaration of Rights already in existence in 1776-77, and those initiated and embedded into the developing free society, some for over 150 years in Virginia.

What is the name of the first amendment clause that protects your right to hold and exercise your religious beliefs?

Free exercise clause

There are five basic rights mentioned in the first amendment name three?

The five are, Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to issue a petition of grievances, right to peaceful assembly, and freedom and press. The right to bare arms is the second amendment.

What is the name for the Fifth Amendment?

The Right to Remain Silent.

What was another name for 19th amendment?

The Women's Suffrage Amendment

There are five basic rights mentioned inthe first amendment name three?

freedom of speech, freedom of religion and right to assemble

What is the name of the other first amendment clause that protects your right to hold and exercise your religious beliefs as well as your right to hold no religious beliefs?

Free exercise clause

What is the name of the first amendment in the constitution?


What is another name for the right to vote?

"The Great Amendment" Suffrage

Name one right guarnteed by the first amendment?

freedom of religion. freedom of speech. the right to peaceably assemble. i gave the main ones :) hope i helped in some way

What is the name given to the first amendment?

Bill of Rights.