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nothing because they don't like each other !

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loyalist, why did you decide to stay loyal?

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ask them why would I want to side with you?

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Q: Neutralist debate questions for the Loyalists and the Patriots?
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What happened in the patriots vs loyalists debate?

The patriots said that we should not be treated like this and we don't have that much money to pay all of your taxes.

What are some answers for being on the loyalists side of a patriots vs loyalists debate?

we would be left with lack of safety and protection why leave a prooven govement for one not tested

What were some things they said in the real debate of patriots and loyalist?

patriots would debate about freedom with patriots

You are a loyalist in a patriot vs loyalist debate?

Patriots were those who supported the independence of the American colonies from the British Empire. Loyalists were loyal to the British crown. Roughly speaking, Patriots and Loyalists were each a third of the population, with the remaining third not taking a side. Conflicts between Patriots and Loyalists weren't just fought on the battlefield. Especially in the backcountry, old feuds were often continued between supporters of both sides. As is the case in any civil war, these conflicts were often brutal, with murders, arson, and other crimes perpetrated by both sides.

What two sides emerged in response to Declaration of Independence What did each side favor?

During the Founding Period of the United States, two basic sides emerged in the ongoing debate concerning the privileges and responsibilities (and so forth) of the American government. The Federalists favored a very strong central (or, federal) government that would oversee each state in the union. The Anti-Federalists, by contrast, favored a weaker central government, with each state in the union having the most privilege (and responsibility) in respect to governance within its boundaries.The Declaration of Independence divided the Colonists into patriots and loyalists. The patriots wanted freedom from British rule, while the loyalists wanted to remain loyal to the King.

What are taxation debates for a loyalist in a patriot vs loyalist debate?

The loyalists believed it was OK to tax the colonies because they were British subjects. However, the patriots did not believe this was right because the rulers were so far away and had thus far allowed them to govern themselves.

You are a patriot in a loyalist vs patriots debate?

Ask the Loyalists: How do you benefit by supporting the king? What benefits do you get from the taxes you pay? Why should the colonists be taxed? Is it really worth it to not sacrifice so many lives? Ask the Patriots: How do you benefit from turning against the king? How else should you pay for the war? Why shouldn't the colonists be taxed? Is it really worth it to lose so many lives? After the war the Patriots believed they had the right to expel the Loyalists and abuse them. Few were killed but many were forced to leave their homes and were pushed out into the countryside or forced out of the country entirely. This is one of the firsts acts the Patriots made as newly liberated men. Was this the right thing to do? No, probably not; but we have to remember how the Patriots were treated by the Loyalists during the Revolution. If a Loyalist found you were a Patriot plotting with other Patriots on tactics of liberating the colonies from the King they would not hesitate to turn you and in let you be punished. So really the Patriots acts were a form of payback but it still does not justify either of their foolhardy actions. The Loyalists did not have the right to abuse the Patriots during the Revolution and the Patriots did not have the right to abuse the Loyalists after the Revolution.

What questions can you ask in a debate about religious harmony?

If you're on the side of the debate which is stating a lack of harmony, ask questions that will provoke your opponent.

What are questions that I should ask in a debate?

That depends on what kind of debate. Informal debate: ask questions that help you understand. Ask questions about things that are confusing. Formal debate: always ask where the money is coming from and how much it will cost. Ask questions that make the other team look stupid and set up your arguments for you to bring up in a later speech.

What is the person called who asks the questions at a debate?

The person who asks the questions at a debate is called the moderator. Their role is to facilitate the discussion, keep speakers on track, and ensure that the debate runs smoothly.

What are the Parthenon's?

The Parthenon marbles are some sculpted freize that used to belong to Athens Greece but half was taken by Elgin from Britain/England they have been wanted by both countries and there is now a debate on who should keep it. I am a neutralist.

What are Parthenon?

The Parthenon marbles are some sculpted freize that used to belong to Athens Greece but half was taken by Elgin from Britain/England they have been wanted by both countries and there is now a debate on who should keep it. I am a neutralist.