The Constitution of the United States
the oldest written constitution of the world is the constitution of U.S.A
The Constitution delegates enacted the US Constitution in 1788 at the Philadelphia convention. 39 of the 55 delegates ratified the Constitution.
Then you or it is declared Unconstitutional.
u have to agree with the constitution or u die crack head
The constitution is a high form of law, meaning that other laws need to be consistent with it. There are two main ways that this is ensured: Most governments have a form of constitutional review process, where they try to make sure that new and existing laws accord with the principles in the Constitution. Citizens can bring complaints before the courts to have them consider whether they are consistent with the constitution. The response depends on how powerful the country's judiciary is, but where it is strong, the courts can strike the laws, meaning that the government must craft laws that are consistent with the Constitution.
Ok, I know, I know, I'm answering my own question, but here it is. No
The quality or state of being constitutional, or inherent in the natural frame., The state of being consistent with the constitution or frame of government, or of being authorized by its provisions.
no they are almost same
The Tagalog word for "consistent" is "matiyaga" or "palaging pareho."
The Seventeenth Amendment (Amendment XVII) to the United States Constitution established direct election of United States Senators by popular vote. The amendment supersedes Article I, § 3, Clauses 1 and 2 of the Constitution, under which Senators were elected by state legislatures. It also alters the procedure for filling vacancies in the Senate, to be consistent with the method of election. It was adopted on April 8, 1913.
Consisted is the correct spelling.
The judicial branch is one of the three branches of government. The Constitution established the judicial branch of government with the creation of the Supreme Court. Congress created the other federal courts. All of these courts together make up the judicial branch. The courts review and explain the law, and they resolve disagreements about the meaning of the law. The U.S. Supreme Court makes sure that laws are consistent with the constitution. If a law is not consistent with the Constitution, the Court can declare it unconstitutional. In this case, the Court makes the final decision about all cases that have to do with federal laws and treaties. It also rules on other cases, such as disagreements between states.Judicial interprets the law
The judicial branch is one of the three branches of government. The Constitution established the judicial branch of government with the creation of the Supreme Court. Congress created the other federal courts. All of these courts together make up the judicial branch. The courts review and explain the law, and they resolve disagreements about the meaning of the law. The U.S. Supreme Court makes sure that laws are consistent with the constitution. If a law is not consistent with the Constitution, the Court can declare it unconstitutional. In this case, the Court makes the final decision about all cases that have to do with federal laws and treaties. It also rules on other cases, such as disagreements between states.Judicial interprets the law
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