The colonies voted concerning if they wanted a new nation or to remain part of Britain. All 13 colonies voted unanimously to form a new nation.
New York does have 13 colonies. New York is one of the biggest cities in America.
to declare to the world that the British coloniesin America were declaring themselves an independent nation to declare to the world that the British colonies in America were declaring themselves an independent nation
The Declaration of Independence was like a declaration of war, stating that they want to have their own free nation and do whatever it takes. The British responded with war, because they didn't think they needed to change their laws. Great Britain had owned all the colonies, and the patriots were requesting to get their own nation. So overall, the British own all 13 colonies, but the patriots don't WANT that, so the British responded with: War because: They wanted to keep the colonies.
Depending on which argument you follow, the 13 colonies, pre-United States, was the first "modern" nation-state. Refer to wikipedia or Encyclopedia Britanica.
New York,still is to this today.
13 colonies
they wanted to control the 13 colonies and they wanted to benefit themselves
they wanted to control the 13 colonies and they wanted to benefit themselves
they wanted to control the 13 colonies and they wanted to benefit themselves
they wanted to control the 13 colonies and they wanted to benefit themselves
they wanted to control the 13 colonies and they wanted to benefit themselves
they wanted to control the 13 colonies and they wanted to benefit themselves
they wanted to control the 13 colonies and they wanted to benefit themselves
they wanted to control the 13 colonies and they wanted to benefit themselves
they wanted to control the 13 colonies and they wanted to benefit themselves
they wanted to control the 13 colonies and they wanted to benefit themselves
they wanted to control the 13 colonies and they wanted to benefit themselves