With France in the war and the northern army defeated, the British looked to the South to regain the upper hand. In order to win in the South, they planned get loyal colonists to fight for them. They also offered slaves freedom if they would fright for the British. The tide of war was turning in favor of the Americans.; idk if it worked....- apex
American revolutionaries were aided by France.
Because France had money and the Americans were broke and also had more soliders to help them battle against the British
france hesitated to help the americans because they had two goals one of them was to sacure loyalist lands the second one was to recapture the other coloniesso they wanted to help the americans defeat the britian but then they started to wonder imm not giveing them money nor ship or boats if there already going to lose so even if france and the americans both were eniemees with britain as long back as they could remember the americans still would lose so ya
France, then Spain.
The battle of France started on 10th May 1940.
The Marne
Great Britain, the US and France participated in the battle for Yorktown.
In France
The First World War was truly a World War. Although most of the battles on the Western Front were fought in Northern France or Southwest Belgium, there were battles in such far off places as North Africa, Turkey, Balkans, India, and the Middle East.
Germany, France, and Great Brittan all participated in the Crusades. Anyone who followed under the Pope.
It is in northern France, in Paris.
Italian states participated in the Crimean War to gain assistance from France.
Yes, France is located in the northern hemisphere. It lies entirely in the northern half of the Earth.
Italian states participated in the Crimean War to gain assistance from France and Britain in their struggle for independence and unification.