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raw materials used in industry

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Q: One of the most important motives for the European Scramble for Africa in the late 1800s was that Africa provided a source of?
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What were the motives behind the global scramble for colonies?

Raw materials, control over colonies, & wealth.

What were three motives behind the European race for colonies?

the three motives of the European race is 1) economic 2) social/ religion 3) political/ military

What were three main motives for European expansion?

Three main motives for European expansion were to increase wealth through trade, spread religious beliefs through conversion and conquest, and acquire resources and territories to boost power and influence.

Why did africans traded their own kind?

Africans engaged in the transatlantic slave trade primarily due to economic motives, as the trade provided access to valuable European goods, weapons, and resources. Additionally, some African societies participated in the slave trade to acquire power and influence through alliances with European traders. It is important to note that the slave trade was facilitated and intensified by European colonization and exploitation of Africa.

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The European mind-set during that era.

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European Motives for Fighting the Crusades.

What are three motives for the European race for colonies?

to find new materials, spices and to spreas the religion

What are European motives of imperialism?

Not only did the europeans think they were better than everyone else, but their motives were actually very simple. One was to aquire new territory to gain that territory's natural resources. The second was based off of the get money. Those two reasons were the main motives for the entire history of European Imperialism. An example that depicts these two motives very well is "The Scramble for Africa." Also, England's exportation of opium to China is another good example. Economic based motive was that Britain wanted to create new markets for products and to acquire our sacred raw materials. Britain wanted nothing more than to get their hands on Chinas delicate silk, porcelain, and tea in exchange for gold and silver. Political based motive - Britain imperialized in order to make themselves seem more powerful to other countries and be superior to them.

What are three motives behind the European race for colonies?

to find new materials, spices and to spreas the religion

What were US motives to be in NATO?

To be able to contain communist ideas in Europe and have military influence in European countries.

What are 3 motives behind the European race for colonies?

to change the economic, political, and social forces of peoples lives.

What has the author Brigitte Borchhardt-Birbaumer written?

Brigitte Borchhardt-Birbaumer has written: 'Imago noctis' -- subject(s): Art, European, European Art, Night in art, Themes, motives