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Every second year

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Q: One third member of rajyasabha retire at how many years?
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In Newfoundland and Labrador under a registered union can the local make it mandatory for a member to retire after the age of 64 years?

no. that is illegal because the Canadian law states that no one needs to retire if they do not want to.

When do firefighters retire?

most can retire after 20 years.

Senate member serve for how long?

6 years. Every 2 years, one-third (1/3) of the members are re-elected.

Can Missouri teacher retire after 23 years?

yes of course a teacher can retire after 10 years of teaching

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At about after 4 or 5 years they retire.

What happened to the third member of sugarland?

The third member of Sugarland, Kristen Hall, left unexpectedly in 2006. This was supposedly to stay home and write songs, but two years later she filed a lawsuit saying that she was being excluded from sharing profits with the band.

What happened to third member of sugarland?

The third member of Sugarland, Kristen Hall, left unexpectedly in 2006. This was supposedly to stay home and write songs, but two years later she filed a lawsuit saying that she was being excluded from sharing profits with the band.

Is it time for Manny Pacquio to retire?

maybe in a few years he should retire

What term is used to describe the southern one third of the nation where the greatest growth has occurred in recent years and where the greatest number of senior citizends tends to retire?

The Sun Belt

How long is the term of a member of the senenate?

The term of a member of the Senate is 6 years, with elections scheduled every other year for approximately one-third of the seats. This staggered system allows for continuity while ensuring that there is turnover in the chamber regularly.

How can retire be used in a sentence?

After years of hard work, John decided to retire and spend more time with his family.

When can astronaut retire?

100 years old