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Of the 55 delegates that signed the Declaration of Independence, about one half had attended or graduated from a college. George Washington attend William and Mary College long enough to qualify as a surveyor.

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Q: Out of 55 delegates how many attended college?
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How many delegates attended the Constitutional Convention?

How many delegates to what? Please restate your question.

How many delegates were selected to attend the constituitonal convention?

55 attended off and on.

How many delegates failed to attend the first constitutional convention?

15 delegates did not attend. 70 were chosen to attend but only 55 attended.

How many delegates were at the constitutional convention when the constitution was being formed?

74 delegates from 12 different states were chosen but 55 actually attended the convention

What number of delegates actually attended the Constitutional Convention?

39 delegates signed the Constitution, or 71% of the 55 delegates who attended the convention. Most of those who did not sign had left the convention early -- some for personal reasons, and some out of protest.

All 55 delegates that attended the Constitutional Convention signed the final document.?

There were 55 delegates that attended the Constitutional Convention in the United States. However, there were only 39 delegates that signed the final document either due to their conflicting beliefs or skepticism.

All 55 delegates that attended the constitutional convention signed the final document?

There were 55 delegates that attended the Constitutional Convention in the United States. However, there were only 39 delegates that signed the final document either due to their conflicting beliefs or skepticism.

How many deligates attended the constitutional convention?

Of the originally appointed 70, only 55 delegates from 12 of the 13 original states attended the historical Constitutional Convention. Rhode Island did not send any delegates.

How many delegates attended the Constitutional Convention of 1787?

Some source says 55 and Some source says 41.

Did All 55 delegates that attended the constitutional Convention signed the final document Yes or no?


How many of the delegate to the constitutional convention actually signed the constitution?

in all, 55 delegates attended the Constitutional Convention sessions, but only 39actually signed the Constitution. The delegates ranged in age from Jonathan ...

How many delegate were at the constitutional convention?

There were 55 delegates at the Constitutional Convention in 1787.Most of the delegates were lawyers, merchants, or planters.Of those, there were only 39 who signed the Constitution on September 17, 1787. Also signing was the Convention's secretary, William Jackson.