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Q: People that want to abolish all forms of government?
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What are people called who want to abolish slavery?


What reforms did the Paris Commune want in government?

The Paris Commune sought reforms such as the separation of church and state, the right to work, and the establishment of a decentralized government. They also aimed to abolish the standing army and replace it with a people's militia.

What two isms did the fascist want to abolish?

Fascists wanted to abolish communism and liberal democracy. They viewed both as threats to their fascist ideology and sought to eliminate them in order to establish their authoritarian system of government.

What are three contrasting forms of government?

Three contrasting forms of government are a democracy, a monarchy and an autocracy. In a democracy, there is rule by the many. People vote for the government they want. In a monarchy, a leader inherits power through tradition. In an autocracy, the government is led by an absolute, often tyrannical leader.

Who were the advocates of centralization and why did they want to alter or abolish the Articles of Confederation?

The Federalists wanted a strong central government. The Articles called for a weak central government with the confederation having their own governments.

What do you want to abolish?

to end slavery

Why did state established republican forms of government?

it's either... a. to keep power in the hands of the wealthy b. to take power away from landholders c. to give people a voice in their government

What kind of government did God want for his people?

A government of the people by the people for the people.

Did Napoleon Bonaparte abolish feudalism?

He did want to abolish it. He gain many allies in the certain areas he had.

What did Benjamin Franklin want to abolish?


Why did people want to abolish slavery?

People wanted to abolish slavery because it was a violation of human rights and dignity. Slavery perpetuated a system of inequality, exploitation, and oppression. Many believed that all individuals should have the right to freedom and self-determination.

What is a person called when they want to abolish slavery?

An abolitionist