If you are applying for funding from a government program, you most likely will be asking for grant funding. Government agencies often provide grants to non-profit organizations, schools, and businesses.
Men are more likely to vote Republican and women are more likely to vote Democrat.
Entrepreneurial politics was the political process that is most likely to be used when the costs of a policy are broadly distributed and its benefits are concentrated.
by interpreting state laws in different ways
determine whether an assertion made by one source is likely to be true.
Basically because in the modern world the candidate with the most funding is likely to win.
children can most likely be affected by alcohol
a car is least likely to be affected by cross winds
Funding Cuban government
A dance studio could be affected by taxes because it is most likely a small business. It could also be affected by conservative forces, if, for example, it is a business with liberal beliefs and performances.
A convenience survey or a self-selection survey is most likely to be affected by bias
Attitudes that are dismissive, arrogant, or condescending can create conflict. Additionally, making demanding or unreasonable requests without considering others' perspectives or feelings can escalate tensions and lead to disagreements.
Attitudes are most likely to predict spontaneous behavior when there is a close link between the attitude and the behavior, when the attitude is strong and easily accessible, and when there are no other competing influences on the behavior.
If you are applying for funding from a government program, you most likely will be asking for grant funding. Government agencies often provide grants to non-profit organizations, schools, and businesses.
state and federal funds
Increasing government funding of research
Connor MIlls