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The Constitution sets the powers of Congress in Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution. These are called expressed powers, powers carefully listed in the Constitution. The only difference in the two houses is that all money bills must originate in the House of Representatives. Also, to become a law, a bill must be approved by both houses in exactly the same form.

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17y ago

The House of Representatives has more than two powers. Two of the powers they hold exclusively are: 1) Origination of all revenue (tax) bills.

2) Initiation of impeachment proceedings,

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Q: Powers shared by the house of reps and senate?
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This is the United States, where there is ot anything called the house of senate. There is a Senate which has 59 members, from each state. The other branch of congress is called the House of Representatives, and the number of reps in the House of Reps depends on the number that have been elected from each state district.

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I know why you are confused. There are two houses the House of Representatives and the Senate. There are 100 members in the Senate and 435 in the House of Representatives.I know why you are confused. There are two houses the House of Representatives and the Senate. There are 100 members in the Senate and 435 in the House of Representatives.

How is senate and house of commons are almost similar?

If you are talking about the house of commons in England. First of all, congress in the US is split into 2 seperate groups, the house of representatives (amount of reps. per state determined by population) and the senate (same amount of reps. per state, 2 each) the parliament on the other hand is separated into the house of lords (the equivalent of the senate) and the house of commons (equivalent to the house of reps.) so the similarity are very few, the senate is the "upper house" and the house of commons is a "lower house". the only similarity is that they both run the government.