The Mississippi River. in 1783 Spain still had control of everything west or south of the Mississippi river including Florida and the Gulf of Mexico.
America was not a country when the colonies were being formed. So there was not president but when the colonies all became a county George Washington was the first president.
The northern-most of America's 13 colonies (New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts) formed her northern border with Canada. Note that Maine was a part of Massachusetts at that time.
All former British territories west to the Mississippi.
eastern and western
The Appalachian Mountains formed the western border to the eastern colonies in North America.
The western border of the 13 colonies was formed by the Appalachian Mountains.
The western border of Moldova is formed by the Prut river.
The Mississippi River was the western border in 1787.
The Rocky Mountains formed the western border of the Louisiana Purchase.
Indiana begins at the western border of Ohio. Ohio is the western border is Pennsylvania
Indiana begins at the western border of Ohio. Ohio is the western border is Pennsylvania
Indiana begins at the western border of Ohio. Ohio is the western border is Pennsylvania
The Uruguay River forms the western border of Uraguay with Argentina.
The Pacific Ocean