Rather than forcing people, an alternative method might be to recognise the benefits of a larger population (a larger workforce for example) and to provide benefits for families that limit themselves to smaller numbers of children.
It should control .gov sites and unstable sites
James K. Polk
We should have the authority and power too!Just like the Federal Government.
Conscription - is forcing people to enlist in their armed forces. The population has no choice - and anyone refusing can be jailed. participation in a country's defence should be done voluntarily.
The People
India should have the population under control. They should use birth control methods.
It should control .gov sites and unstable sites
the people
there few steps to control population: 1,we should provide education to girls 2,we should no marriages cildren in small age 3,we should to use condom 4,abortion is tech-noes who help to control population 5, by allowing people not to have 2 children
No, we need to make sure the government should control everything about our lives. By putting all universities under the control of the government we can be sure that we will all be given plenty of government indoctrination.
Whether each state should have one vote or voting should be based on population they also disagreed about whether the national government or the individual states should control the land of the Western Appalachians.
The government control defense mainly because they have the means to control and give orders for defense purposes. The government's purposes is not only for the public welfare but also safety which is part of the defense purpose of the government.
i think its government
If you surrendered it voluntarily, then you should be able to re-apply for it.
The government should not control what humans eat since it is violating our human rights. People have the right to eat whatever they wish to eat as their daily meal, and therefore should not be judged on the government's decision into eating. For those who eat unhealthy foods too much in their diet, the government should not control what they eat because they should know to handle their diet.