Whether guns should be banned is a matter of opinion. That said, however, there is no legitimate reason to believe that banning guns will stop crime or violence. The human race was violent LONG before guns existed, and people that think banning guns will stop the world's violence are living in a dream world.
Depending on who you ask, you may or may not need gun control. However, there is no conclusive evidence that gun control reduces crime and violence. Violence has always been part of human nature, so those who believe that banning firearms will make the world bloodless live in fiction.
any answer that says anything about guns being banned
No they shouldn't be aloud to take away are guns. But they should make sure that you are all there in the head before giving anyone a gun. But that won't get rid of gun violence, because people buying guns legally aren't the problem, for the most part.
only people who are members of a militia should be able to own guns
popular sovereignty
Guns should be banned because they encourage people to have long hardcore sex
Legal ownership is not the problem.
No, cap guns are not banned from Canada.
Some people believe that all guns should be banned, or at least registered, except for military, police, and perhaps sporting use.Some people believe that all guns should be permitted, and none registered.Many take positions between those extremes.one view opposed to banningNo. When guns are banned, the only people with guns are criminals. If you want to cut down on crime, make it easier for everyone to carry concealed. It will cut back on court costs and eliminate the costs to house criminals in prison.
The US should not ban hand guns. A tool is a tool. The user is the problem.
I'm pretty sure that different airports banned guns at different times.
The act of attempting to restrict the access to guns is unconstitutional so it therefor should be banned.
you have to hack it to get gold guns
If you take the example of the UK (where guns are banned), the normal police on duty on the streets are not armed with guns. There are UK police trained to use and carry guns but they only do so when responding to a situation where a criminal is seen to be armed. Based on this tried example, is is clear that if guns were banned effectively, the police would not need to carry weapons.
They should be banned for two very good reasons, 1, to leave the public unable to defend themselves against gun wielding criminals (who get their guns illegally),and 2, they should also be banned to make gun crimes go up dramatically. Just like Austrailia, the UK, Mexico and Japan has done, they have banned the LEGAL sale of guns to their publics, and the gun crime as a result of that has gone up 40% in the last 2 years. Banning handguns is a very good idea for destroying your country!