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Q: Smallest state in the union
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Which is the smallest state in the union?

Rhode Island is the smallest state in the Union.

What is the smallest state in the union?

Rhode Island is the smallest state in the union.

What is the state union?

The smallest US State is Rhode Island

The smallest state in the union is?

Rhode Island

What is the smllest Union state?

The smallest US State is Rhode Island

What is the smallests state in the us?

Rhode Island is the smallest state in the union.

The smallest state that seceded from the union?

South Carolina

The smallest northeatern state in the union?

Rhode Island

What state is the smallest state population wise?

North Dakota, it has roughly 23,000 people because of the living conditions

The smallest state in the union?

In land are it is Rhode Island In population it is Wyoming

How many states in the US are larger than Rhode Island?

49. Rhode Island is the smallest state in the Union.

Is Hawaii the second smallest state?

Yes, Hawaii is the 8th smallest state in the United States, not the 2nd smallest. The second smallest state is Rhode Island.