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Q: Some southerners wanted to break away from the us or to?
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he wanted to break away from Britain (England)

Was slavery the only cause of the American Civil War?

No, many southerners believed that they had a right to break away from the union.

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the puritans wanted to reform the Anglican church

What was people's reaction to the end of the American Revolution?

Some were shocked that people wanted to break away from Britan and others fought for freedom.

The responsibility of saving the union rests on the north and not the south?

The question is not valid. The South never wanted to save the Union. It was trying to break away from it, and form a separate nation. It is true that many prominent Southerners were strongly against secession, but they all felt they should go with their States.

Why did the puritans create the massachusetts bay colony?

They wanted to break away from the Church of England.

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They wanted to form their own nation.

Why were northerners called southerners rebels in the civil war?

because they are not southerners they keep away from them

Why did some southerners want to break away from the US?

During the pre-Civil War era, the South was beginning to think that they didn't have much of a voice in the government and the government didn't care as much about what they wanted. The main factor of their secession was the issue of slavery, which the South supported and wanted and the North didn't. Eventually, these issues pushed some southern states to secede, the first being South Carolina. More states followed, and they formed the Confederacy, or the Confederate States of America.

Why did people volunteer for the civil war?

Southerners wanted to fight for their rights so they volunteered. They believed that slaves were their property and taking them away would be like taking away your house. Northerners were very against slavery.

Which group of English people wanted to break away from the Anglican Church (church of England )?


Which group of English people wanted to break away from the Anglican Church (Church of England)?
