She was otherwise known as Molly Pitcher. Molly got this name by serving the soldiers water when they were really thirsty. Pitcher tended to the hurt soldiers on the battlefield and was very helpful. There are some statues of her today since she was so important in the Revolutionary War.
in a book it said she was an only child, but some websites say she had one younger brother, others said she had 2 older brothers 1 younger, and another said she had 4 siblings! the most true ones are probably that she was an only child, or she had one younger brother
She was 87 years of age so it was likely old age.
her quote would most likely be like "don't look at the glass half empty look at it half full"
Some Things Have Definitely Changed - 2010 is rated/received certificates of: USA:PG (video rating)
The red stuff coming out of your molly fish could a number of things. It could be from dye in the food you are feeding it, worms, or some type of infection.
The cast of Some Things Have Definitely Changed - 2010 includes: Ace Gibson as Eddie Brandon Higa as Jarrod
Some people thought there were some things that needed to be deleted.
The way that they changed the movements
You can put some corydoras with your molly as they are compatible.
my little sister is named molly
Some common nouns that can be used for Molly Pitcher are:nicknamecompositesymbolwater carriercomforter
Molly is short for an Absolute Child. Molly is a person that needs to be smacked quite a few times to get some sense into her
they changed the ways of some things , they had some new ideas .
Molly brown