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Speaker #1 represents the thinking of autocraticgovernment, usually with a 'strong' leader at its head,like the government you will find in countries like Russia, China, North Korea and most Muslim countries. Speaker #2 represents a form of radical thinking that is normally not generally supported in democratic countries - with the exception of the USA, where the Tea Party and other extreme right-wing Republicans like to think that this applies or should apply to the US federal Government .

In all fairness, trust in government has been declining steadily in the last decade and there are a few countries with an even lower trust in its central Government then in the USA, where the last time it came above 50% was (briefly) under President George W. Bush of all people. But those countries are often plagued by a bad economy caused directly by Government policies (like Greece) or by rampant corruption in high places.

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Q: Speaker 1 The government must have absolute power to enact whatever policies are needed to make the country safe and stable. Speaker 2 All governments oppress their people there should be no governmen?
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