Robert Morris was the superintendent of finance during the American Revolution.
Who were the Continentals during the Revolutionary War??
During the Revolutionary War, the U.S. Navy was called the Continental Navy, and was commanded by Esek Hopkins.
There were approximately 25,000 American soldiers that died in the American Revolution. The British lost around 20,000 soldiers during the war.
Robert Demond
Robert Morris served as the Superintendent of Finance during the American Revolution. He played a crucial role in managing the finances of the United States during this tumultuous period. Morris implemented policies that helped secure funding for the Continental Army and support the war effort.
During the Revolutionary War, James Armistead, an African American, was a spy.
Hayim Solomon was instrumental in raising money for the continental army. I did not know what his exact title was.
Battles that were fought in Georgia during the american revolutionary war
Which three each had only one battle during the american revolutionary war.
Crispus Attucks was the first person killed during the American Revolutionary War. He was killed during the Boston Massacre.
The capital of the American colonies during the Revolutionary War was Philadelphia. Philadelphia was chosen because of its location.
Benjamin Franklin served as the American ambassador to France during the Revolutionary War.
Which three each had only one battle during the american revolutionary war.
The Americans fought for thier freedom during the American Revolutionary war.
Captain Richard Lernoult was the commander of the military garrison at the fort and Henry Hamilton was the British Lieutenant Governor and Superintendent of Indian Affairs and thus was the principle civilian authority at the fort.