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In the late nineteenth century gold and silver were both still used as money exclusively, as mandated in the U.S. Constitution. The free silver movement began in reaction to the push to demonetize silver in favor of an exclusive gold standard. This was a populist movement because it would remove real wealth from the hands of working people and concentrate it ito the hands of bankers.

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What was strongest ally of mark Hanna and the republican party in the 1896 presidential election was?

fear of William Jennings Bryan and his support of free silver.

How do you support the free palestine movement?

You can support the free palestine movement share the movement with others. And also volunteer your time. Also you could donate your money.They will appreciate all of that.

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The free silver movement.

What party did the populist party support to raise crop prices?

the coinage of "free silver"

What groups most likely opposed the goals of free silver movement?

business owners

What political reform did the populists support?

they supported free silver, election reforms and less hours for workers.

What policy did the populist party support to raise crop prices?

the coinage of "free silver"

What economic plan did McKinley support in the 1896 election?

William McKinley believed in "gold standard", instead of "free silver"

Why is silver a good conductor of electricity?

Silver is a good conductor of electricity because it has a high number of free electrons in its outer shell, allowing for easy movement of charge. Additionally, silver has low resistance to the flow of electricity due to minimal electron scattering within its structure.

Who gave the most support to the free silver campaign of 1896?

farmers, who thought that a larger money supply would ease their bebt.

What economic plan did William McKinley support in the 1896 election?

William Mckinley believed in "gold standard", instead of "free silver"