amendment 1v
amendment 2 Unless this was posed as a trick question in which case none, the amendments apply to Citizens not Colonist.
Raising people's spirits
Payne's testimony was defending what age he deems appropriate you are to work. He is defending himself. Eggly is very detailed about how tired and used and abused the children are. Kershaw explains the benefits of working there. They get meals and decent 12-hour shifts.Β
Defending the property, wealth and power of the capitalist class.
amendment 1v
The Eighth Amendment to the US Constitution.
14th Amendment
The Federalists supported the constitution. John Jay and James Madison wrote "The Federalist Papers" which were eighty essays defending the constitution.
amendment 2 Unless this was posed as a trick question in which case none, the amendments apply to Citizens not Colonist.
Second Amendment by ACT love yall
Defending the Constitution;Respecting the law,Voting;Perform in the military if asked to do so;
The Federalist Papers were written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay
Publius and Brutus were the pen names used when drafting the Constitution. Pen names were used by the authors defending (Publius) and attacking (Brutus) the essays that would make up the Constitution.
I will faithfully execute the Branch of Legislation by Upholding, Defending, and Protecting the Constitution of the United States. so help me Adonai.
The first game of the world-chess-championship-1972between challenger bobby-fischerand defending champion boris-spasskystarts.