To jump past someone to get ahead. Usually, the situation is that you are associated to the other person in some way. Then, he jumps ahead. It's to gain something by using an associate to your advantage. I suppose it could be the competition as well.
6+7=13. In leap years, the Chinese Lunar Year has 13 months within the Gregorian Calendar Year. Therefore, SIX months PLUS SEVEN months EQUALS ONE year IN CHINA in a leap year.
The astronomer Sosigenes calculated that the length of a year was 365 1/4 days. He also brought about the leap year rule, where a leap year would occur every fourth year.
36500 + 25 leap year days = 36525 days.
February, with 28 days, or 29 in leap years. All the other months have 30 or 31 days.
Island hopping. (In NovaNET: "leap frogging")
There is no specific term "homophone leap." Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings, while leap is a verb that means to jump or spring.
Well lets see. They have planes, trucks, cars, bikes, unicycles, pogo sticks, walking, running, crawling, leap-frogging, moonwalking, shuffling, skipping, surfing, swimming, snowboarding, skiing, kite boarding, boating, and so many more. Really people.
every 4yrs is a leap year
Leap year
A leap year will be 366 days instead of 365 days. One day is added. A more asccurate term than leap year is intercalary year.
The noun leap is a common noun, a general word for any kind of leap.The distinction is not between abstract and common nouns, but between abstract and concretenouns.A leap is a physical action, leaping, a concrete noun.However, it can be a metaphorical term, an abstract noun, when it is not a physical act, as in "a leap of faith."
Yes, the term "conundrum" was used as the secret code word in the TV show Quantum Leap. It was a signal used by Al to let Sam know that he was about to leap into a challenging or uncertain situation.
To leap means to jump. Here are some sentences.Leap over that fence.The children like to leap over one another in a game called leapfrog.He leaped with joy.It can also be a noun, as in "His leap was gigantic."You also might see the term "leap year," which means a year in which February has an extra day to make the calendar work out accurately.The frog is leaping with joy.
Vertical leap is a term used in basketball. It is the measurement of how high a player can leap vertically, which is just what the name implies. Since I'm not a basketball player, my vertical leap is only about 15 inches.
A way of making emotional sense out of of ideas that might not seem logical
The term is "spring," which is derived from the Old English word "springan." It means to jump or leap.