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melting pot

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Q: Term of us social mix of cultures and races?
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Continue Learning about American Government

How did the mix of peoples in Spanish America result in a new social structure?

many spanish americans still retain aspects of their culture. This includes spanish food, drink, art, annual fiestas

What happens if you mix church and state?

The dark ages.

Which are the countries presently under an oligarchy form of government?

im not trying to find the answer my self partly America. we have a mix of democracy, oligarchy, republic, Constitutional, and alot of other ones i don't know of...but don't put that answer on your homework or something cause I'm no good at social studies.

Nicknames for the middle colonies?

Mix your quaker oats. Mix: making laws for religion and allowing it all toghether. Quakers: thought that everyone was equal Oats: wheat (oats) was the main source of income

What does the term melting pot mean for the US?

The term 'melting pot' comes from the idea of taking many different forms of a specific type of object. Two examples of said 'objects' would be metals or cheeses. when you throw many different types of cheese into a pot and heat it up to melt them(hence melting pot) they mix together and form something different from any of the original cheeses. The same idea is put into New York City and other large coastal U.S. cities back in the late 1800s to early 1900s, when immigration to the United States was at its largest flow. So many different cultures and ethnicities were forced into such a small space that they inevitably mixed together and created a unique new culture only found in that region or country.

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What is the term for US social mix of cultures and races?


Term for US social mix of cultures and races?

Melting pot <3

What is the terms of US social mix of cultures and races?

Melting pot.

Does polyandry and polygyny involve marriage of mix cultures and races?

in polygramy How about if 2 husbands wish to have the wife same time/night

Different mixture of races and cultures of Filipino?

The Filipino population is a blend of various races and cultures due to centuries of colonization and trade. This includes influences from indigenous groups, Spanish colonization, Chinese traders, and American occupation. As a result, Filipinos have a diverse mix of Malay, Chinese, Spanish, and American heritage, creating a unique cultural identity.

What is the Ethnic mix in Germany?

the mix of different races

What is meant by the statement black and white did not mix socially?

The two races, black and white, did not mix socially means that they did not interact at social ocasions and they, in general, stayed seperated, used different facilities and so on.

Where did the races never mix?

race track

Why did Hitler think that Jews and non-Jews should not mix?

Hitler was xenophobic and did not wish for what he believed to be the "pure" Germanic races to mix with what he perceived to be "lower races".

What is cultural blending?

Where two or more cultures mix together their way of living.Cultural blending is when two or more cultures living in close proximity with each other start to mix their cultures together.

Why are there spanish words in Japanese anime?

To mix cultures. It is to bring ideas and insperation from other cultures.

When and why did the cultures of Egypt and Nubia begin to mix?
