The Anti-Federalist wanted to limit the Federal government strictly to what the powers the Constitution delegated to it.
Everything that is not specifically listed in the constitution as powers given to the Federal Government are reserved for the States. The intent was to limit the power of the Federal Government by strictly limiting its powers, and all other powers not listed were given to the States.
Currently, there is no limit on what the federal government chooses to spend, period.
To limit the power of the federal government
the Bill of Rights
the federal government exists to protect the people from enemies foreign and domestic, as well as provide for the people with certain things such as speed limit laws or justice system to protect citizens from citizens
Everything that is not specifically listed in the constitution as powers given to the Federal Government are reserved for the States. The intent was to limit the power of the Federal Government by strictly limiting its powers, and all other powers not listed were given to the States.
Currently, there is no limit on what the federal government chooses to spend, period.
To limit the power of the federal government
cuz can
It means that a state can limit the federal government to do only certian things. Kind of like you can only do certian things on a computer if your not an adminstratior.
the Bill of Rights
A person who wants to greatly limit the federal government's power ACCORDING TO APEX
The major legacy left behind by the Antifederalists was their push for the inclusion of a Bill of Rights in the Constitution. This led to the eventual adoption of the first ten amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, which outline specific protections for individual freedoms and limit the power of the federal government.
They wanted to limit the federal government's power
They wanted to limit the federal government's power
he wanted to limit their power.
states rights