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State of the Union

Article II, Section 3, Clause 1

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Q: The Constitution requires the president to give Congress information on this?
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Who approves budget for federal bureaucracy?

According to the US Constitution, Congress has "the power of the purse". This means that Congress approves the budget submitted by the President. It's one of the checks and balances built into the Constitution to ensure that one branch doesn't hold too much power.

Is there a date specified in the constitution for the state of union?

No. The Constitution merely requires that the President "from time to time" inform Congress as to the state of the union. It does not have to be a speech, and in fact every President from Thomas Jefferson until Woodrow Wilson submitted the state of the union in a letter to Congress. The speech traditionally takes place annually, but this is not constitutionally required.

What has to happen for the president to get line-item veto power?

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a line-item veto is unconstitutional because the U.S. Constitution specifies that when presented with a bill that has been passed by Congress, the President's choices are limited to either signing the bill, making it a law, or returning it to where it originated along with his/her objections to it. Therefore, line-item veto power requires that the U.S. Constitution be amended to expand the President's choices when presented with a bill that Congress has passed.

Why do congressmen live in their home state when the Constitution says they shall not?

On the contrary, the Constitution requires members of Congress to be residents of the States which they represent.

What requires the president to notify congress when committing military forces?

War Powers Act

Related questions

Should the president report to congress about how the nation is doing?

The Constitution requires it.

Who approves budget for federal bureaucracy?

According to the US Constitution, Congress has "the power of the purse". This means that Congress approves the budget submitted by the President. It's one of the checks and balances built into the Constitution to ensure that one branch doesn't hold too much power.

Describe the framers plan for the selection of the nations president?

The Constitution expressly requires that the President must be a natural born citizen of the United States, 35 years of age.

Should congress require US citizens to vote?

should the us require that all eligible citizens vote? one reason is that The U.S. Constitution requires the President to report regularly to Congress.

Is there a date specified in the constitution for the state of union?

No. The Constitution merely requires that the President "from time to time" inform Congress as to the state of the union. It does not have to be a speech, and in fact every President from Thomas Jefferson until Woodrow Wilson submitted the state of the union in a letter to Congress. The speech traditionally takes place annually, but this is not constitutionally required.

Why does the constitution require a person to have reached a certain age before becoming president?

The Constitution requires that a person reach a certain age before becoming President because the founding fathers felt a level of maturity is needed to be President. Congress also has a minimum age that a person must be.

What is the account of what occurs in congress called?

The Congressional Record. The Constitution requires Congress to keep a journal of its activities.

Is the president required to give the state of the union address?

Yes, it is. Article 2, Section 3 requires the president to ". . . from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union. . . "

Why can legislature check Presidents nomination of supreme court justices?

The constitution requires that supreme court justices be approved after the president nominates them by "advice and consent". Therefore, the congress can deny the candidate put forth by the president.

Why cant the president declare war?

The power to declare war is granted to the U.S. Congress by the Constitution; the president serves as the Commander in Chief of the military but requires congressional approval to formally declare war. This separation of powers ensures that such a significant decision is made with input from the legislative branch, representing the will of the people.

What has to happen for the president to get line-item veto power?

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a line-item veto is unconstitutional because the U.S. Constitution specifies that when presented with a bill that has been passed by Congress, the President's choices are limited to either signing the bill, making it a law, or returning it to where it originated along with his/her objections to it. Therefore, line-item veto power requires that the U.S. Constitution be amended to expand the President's choices when presented with a bill that Congress has passed.

The Constitution requires that how many of the members of Congress be present in order to vote on a bill?

The Constitution requires that at least one half of the members of Congress be present in order to vote on a bill. Without that amount, a vote cannot be held.