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Q: The Declaration of Independence was mostly clearly influenced by the political philosophy of who?
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The declaration of independence was most clearly influenced by the political philosophy of who?

John Locke.

The Declaration of Independence was most clearly influenced by the political philosophy of .?

john Locke

The Declaration of Independence was most clearly influenced by the political philosophy of?

The Americans who wanted to break free of the British Crown. Your question doesn't make much sense, though.

What actions reflects the political philosophy expressed in the declaration of independence?

Rebels attempt to overthrow a dictatorial government.

What actions reflect the political philosophy expressed in the declaration of independence?

Rebels attempt to overthrow a dictatorial government.

Whose philosophy influenced the declaration?

Johne Locke since he is known as a famous English philosopher, political theorist, and Empiricms founder.

What are four points of the declaration's political theory?

The declaration is divided into three segments namely; an introduction with a statement of our philosophy. A list of grievances or Complaints. The third section is the final and formal "Declaration of Independence."

What factors influenced Thomas Jefferson in writing the Declaration of Independence?

In writing the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson was influenced by the political philosophy of the Enlightenment, and notably by John Locke (1632-1704). Locke used the phrase "life, liberty, and property" Which was found in the Virginia Declaration of Rights (June 12, 1776) written by George Mason. Other important influences may have been Richard Cumberland, Gottfried Leibniz, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Montesquieu.

Explain 3 political ideals in the declaration of independence?

Explain 3 political ideals in the decleration of independence?"

What are come political and legal ideas contained in the declaration of independence US constitution and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man?

Some of the political and legal ideas contained in the declaration of independence in the US constitution and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man are philosophical and political rights.

Why is the Declaration of Independence an important political document?

Well, in short version, it declared Independence as in the DECLARATION of INDEPENDENCE.

What political philosophy is most clearly reflected In the declaration of independent?

John locke