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Each member of Parliament virtually represented all the citizens

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Q: The English responded to colonial complaints against taxation without representation by asserting?
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Colonial governments could be best described as involving?

indirect representation

What was the colonial participation in the Parliament?

During the colonial period, British colonies did not have direct representation in Parliament. Instead, they were subject to the authority of the British Crown and governed by appointed colonial governors and local colonial legislatures. However, colonists often voiced their grievances and desires through petitions and lobbying efforts, which sometimes influenced parliamentary decisions. This lack of representation in the decision-making process would eventually become one of the main grievances leading to the American Revolution.

How did English colonial policies lead to the writing of the declaration of independence?

The king denied the colonists representation in government.

What was sherman's plan for the federal constitution?

Sherman's plan is referring to a plan created by Roger Sherman, a plan otherwise known as the Great Compromise or the Connecticut Compromise. In colonial times, when states were debating whether representation in the houses should be based on representation (as voted on by the big states) or equally, one vote per state (as voted on by the small states). The Great Compromise called up for a plan with two Legislative Houses, one with representation based on population (thus pleasing the larger states) and the other with representation with one member per state (pleasing the smaller states). :)

What is the definition of Actual vs virtual representation?

In the British ruled colonies, Britain had a polcy of Parlaimentary virtual representation, which meant that the colonies were represented through someone living in Britain based on a particular commonatily. For example: All shoemakers in colonial new England were virtually represented by a British showmaker. The colonists were angered at the Mother countries policy of virtual representation because they were forced to pay taxes withour being actually represented in Parlaiment. The colonist marched through the streets shouting "no taxation without representation!". Tis is the main difference between the two. I hope this helps.