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Q: The ability to allow political parties to have a strong voice in national politics is an attribute of?
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What is the ability of persons groups or institutions to influence political developments?

The ability of persons, groups, or institutions to influence political developments would be called power.

What is the meaning of political power and administrative power as defined by Norton E Long?

As defined by Norton E. Long, political power is the ability for a government to influence its people's behavior. Administrative power is the ability to enforce and change laws.

What were some political machines hurt cities?

People without ability or experience became officials.

What is political oppression?

Political repression is the persecution of an individual or group for political reasons, particularly for the purpose of restricting or preventing their ability to take part in the political life of society. wikipedia

What is a political machine?

A political machine is an unofficial system of political organization based on patronage, the spoils system, "behind-the-scenes" control, and longstanding political ties within the structure of a representative democracy. Machines sometimes have a boss, and always have a long-term corps of dedicated workers who depend on the patronage generated by government contracts and jobs. Machine politics has existed in many United States cities, especially between about 1875 and 1950, but continuing in some cases down to the present day. It is also common (under the name clientelism or political clientelism) in Latin America, especially in rural areas. Japan's Liberal Democratic Party is often cited as another political machine, maintaining power in suburban and rural areas through its control of farm bureaus and road construction agencies. The key to a political machine is patronage: holding public office implies the ability to do favors (and also the ability to profit from graft). Political machines generally steer away from issues-based politics, favoring a quid pro quo (something for something) with certain aspects of a barter economy or gift economy: the patron or "boss" does favors for the constituents, who then vote as they are told to. Sometimes this system of favors is supplemented by threats of violence or harassment toward those who attempt to step outside of it.

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The ability of citizens to influence their government through an awareness and interest in politics is called?

political efficacy

Can diablo preyas change his attribute to pyrus?

no, not without the ability card preyas switch ,in which a diablo or a preyas can to any attribute.

What are the effects to the attempt by political scientist to study politics scientifically?

Political scientists studying politics scientifically may face challenges such as biases in data collection, difficulty in predicting human behavior accurately, and differing opinions on what constitutes "scientific" methodology in the social sciences. However, their efforts can lead to a better understanding of political systems, informed policymaking, and the ability to identify patterns and trends in political behavior.

What attribute does it take to become a successful entrepreneur?

Problem solving ability

Which attribute affects a player's ability to physical duels?

body balance

Which attribute affects a player's ability to intercept passes and his awareness to loose balls?


What has the author Neal Riemer written?

Neal Riemer has written: 'Creative breakthroughs in politics' -- subject(s): Liberty, Creative ability, Political science, Problem solving 'Protection Against Genocide' 'A modern democratic theory for America' -- subject(s): Democracy, Political science 'The representative: trustee, delegate, partisan, politico?' -- subject(s): Politics and government, Representative government and representation 'New World of Politics' 'The Democratic experiment' -- subject(s): Political science, History 'James Madison'

Can people escape from politics?

While individuals may choose to disengage from politics in their personal lives, it is difficult to completely escape its influence on society. Political decisions impact various aspects of our lives, from education and healthcare to the environment and economy. Opting out of politics can limit our ability to shape the policies and systems that affect us.

What bacoogon attribute is skiras?

The bacoogon attribute "skiras" is associated with agility and dexterity. Bacoogons with this attribute are known for their swift movements and quick reflexes in battle. Skiras bacoogons are often relied upon for their ability to outmaneuver opponents and strike swiftly.

What is Laswell's definition of politics?

Politics is who gets what, when, and how.Lasswell viewed political science as the study of changes in the distribution of value patterns in society, and, because distribution depends on power, the focal point of his analysis was power dynamics. Political power was the ability to produce desired effects on other intended people.Harold Lasswell wrote several political books, including Propaganda Technique in the World War.

Which is the most important attribute of a good police detective?

An analytical mind, and the ability to get along with people.

What are physical attributes of matter?

The most important attribute of matter is the ability to pervade other matter.