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hakenkreuz "hooked cross" = swastica.

when people say "bent cross" they are just misinformed and probably mean "hooked cross", most likely.

Germans call it "hakenkreuz" and people that speak English call it "swastica"

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The swastika (bent cross) is a traditional symbol that represents peace and well-being. Hitler chose it not only for this reason, but because he wanted something that was easy to draw and remember.

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Q: The bent cross adopted as the symbol of the National Socialist German Worker's Party?
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What political party organised the Holocaust?

The Nazi Party. From 1919 to 1920 there was a party called "German Workers' Party", which was founded on far-right and nationalist tendencies then common throughout Europe, in part as a result of the Great War of 14-18. In 1920, the party evolved into the National Socialist German Workers' Party, commonly known as the Nazi Party, which was dissolved in 1945. It was that party which was responsible for organizing the Holocaust. Wikipedia has a great page on the NSDAP.

How did the criticisms of the Weimar system of government help Hitler to become chancellor in 1933?

The criticisms of the Weimar government lead to the German people losing confidence in its ability to handle threats. This allowed Hitler and the National Socialist party to gain a foothold with the Nazi ideology and helped Hitler's rise to power.

Which immigrants from which country were most often skilled workers or educated people such as writers and politicians and arrived with some money?

Immigrants from Germany usually arrived with some money and were most often skilled workers or educated people, such as writers and politicians.

Describe the social reforms adopted under Bismarck?

Otto von Bismarck reformed German society in the late 19th century in numerous ways. It is undeniable, however, that one of the most far-reaching (and simply important) reforms was the political and economic unification of the numerous individual duchies, principalities, and territories of the Germanic region into a single nation-state, Germany. It is this modern nation that would figure centrally in European affairs for most of the following century.

When was the German flag created?

Some people believe it was one of the main Nazi members but for now it remains unknown

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What was the bent cross adopted as the symbol of the National Socialist German Workers' Party?

That was the 'swastika' .

Which national party did adolf hitler led?

Nazi Party, or it is National Socialist German Workers' Party.

When did German National Socialist Workers' Party - Czechoslovakia - end?

German National Socialist Workers' Party - Czechoslovakia - ended in 1933.

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German National Socialist Workers' Party - Czechoslovakia - was created in 1919.

What was the full name of the Nazi Party in German?

In full in GermanNationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP)

Is nazi a acronym for national socialist Germany workers party?

Almost, Nazi is the acronym for the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

What year did Hitler join the Nazis?

Adolf Hitler did not join the National Socialist German Workers Party, Adolf Hitler was the founder of the National Socialist German workers Party because Adolf Hitler change the name of the German Workers Party, to National Socialist Workers Party because Adolf Hitler had bisexual tendencies.

What was the national socialist German workers party known as?

in German the "Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei"(or the National Socialist German Workers Party), the NSDAP became known colloquially as the Nazis

What do the Nazis stand for?

National Socialist German Workers Party.

What was hitlers party?

The National Socialist German Workers Party.

Are national socialists German?

Yes , the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers' Party) who are known to the world as the Nazis were German .

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