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Santa Fe, New Mexico was originally named La Villa Real de la Santa F

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Santa Fe, New Mexico was originally named La Villa Real de la Santa Fé de San Francisco de Asís by Spanish colonists.

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Q: The capital of New Mexico has an official and much longer name?
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What is the capital of the state of Mexico in Mexico?

Much like the US, the Capital of Mexico is a separate District (Distrito Federal), but it is known worldwide as Mexico City.

What is a capital city always the largest city in the state?

Try New Mexico. Santa fe is the capital and is much smaller in population to Albuquerque.

Which state capital is closer to the Gulf of Mexico - Little Rock or Columbus?

Little Rock, Arkansas, is much closer to the Gulf of Mexico than Columbus, Ohio.

Why is US of mexico named that way?

Because Mexico is a federal republic, composed of a union of independent states, much like the USA. The official name of Mexico is Estados Unidos Mexicanos, or Mexican United States.

Which country did the Aztecs live in?

In which country did the Aztecs Live? Mexico.

What state in Mexico has the capital Mexico City?

None. Mexico Citiy lies within a political entity known as Federal District (Spanish: Distrito Federal) which belongs to the federation as a whole, much akin to Washington DC in the United States.

What was the capital of Mesoamerica?

Tenochtitlan had a population of 200,000 - 250,000 people, four times the population of London at the time (1521). It was also built atop some islands on Lake Texcoco, interconnected by canals and passageways - much like the city of Venice, Italy.

In what country is oaxaca located?

Oaxaca is both the name of a city and state in Mexico. Oaxaca City (officially Oaxaca de Juarez) is the capital of the state of Oaxaca. The state was named after the City, much like New York state is named after New York City.

How much water does Mexico have?

Mexico is a country of great contrasts: 96% of urban households have tap water service, while rural areas are covered by only 72%. All in all, 88.7% of all homes in Mexico have access to tap water.You should note that availability also depends on specific regions, as some states within Mexico have an excellent coverage, while others are faring poorly. This is regardless of climate (dry vs. humid) and is highly correlated to the economic development of each state:Distrito Federal (capital: Mexico City): 97.5%Nuevo Leon (capital: Monterrey): 96.9%Baja California (capital: Mexicali): 95.3%Chiapas (capital: Tuxtla Gutierrez) 73.8%Oaxaca (capital: Oaxaca): 69.8%Guerrero (capital: Chilpancingo): 62%

How far did the U.S. army get into Mexico?

Not much. Scott knew that in order to defeat Mexico, he had to conquer the capital of the country -- Mexico City -- which lies some 400 Km (249 miles) inland from the Gulf of Mexico. Having landed on the port city of Veracruz, and meeting little resistance (he only fought five major battles on his way to Mexico City), he reached Mexico City in 6 months and ended the war.

How much is a Mexico P-79b 500 pesos worth?

You mean a 'Madero'? Approximately US$3.00 - if uncirculated - for its numismatic value, as it is no longer legal tender.

What year did Germany have an official language?

German has been the official language of Germany since 1999, as stated in the German Constitution. However, German has been the de facto official language for much longer, with a history dating back to ancient times.