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full faith and credit clause

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Q: The constitutional provision requiring that state courts enforce civil judgments of the courts of other states and accept their public records as valid is found in the?
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What constitutional provision requires every state to enforce the judgments of sister states even if contrary to their laws?

Full Faith and Credit Clause.

When must a supreme court justice recluse themselves from hearing a case?

There is no constitutional provision for this question. I'd say that there simply is no legal obligation for the justices to recluse themselves. (Even if there was, there is no higher court to enforce such a rule.)

How does the power of an absolute ruler like the Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt differ from that of a constitutional monarch like Queen Elizabeth of Great Brittan?

An absolute ruler has the ability to create, sign off on, and enforce any rule, law, edict, or judgment that he desires. He is not required to listen to anyone's opinion, though he may solicit it and he is not required to follow any laws himself. A constitutional monarch is bound by a constitution, restricting his power as concerns his abilities to create, sign off on, and enforce rules, laws, edicts, and judgments. In the case of Queen Elizabeth I, she had no power to create laws and rules and could only issue edicts or sign off on laws or rules given to her by the legislature. Additionally, because the judiciary was a separate branch she had no direct authority over judgments. The most important difference between a constitutional monarch and an absolute monarch is that the constitutional monarch is bound by the law and can be held accountable for his actions; the absolute monarch is above the law.

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed in order to enforce which Constitutional Amendment?

the 15th admendment

What is part of the role of the judicial branch?

The judicial branch is there to enforce the laws. They check to see if the laws that are created are constitutional.

Inherent Power of the Sovereignty?

The government having sovereignty can enforce contributions upon its citizens even without a specific provision in the Constitution authorizing it because the state has the supreme power to command and enforce obedience to its will from the people within its jurisdiction.

Why must the government enforce the value of fiat money by requiring its use for settling private debts in court for transactions with the government?

To keep it safe.

Do police enforce civil judgments?

In general, the police do not enforce civil judgments. Judgments are enforced by court appointed officers or sheriff's offices (such as in conducting sales of foreclosed properties). At times police may be called to help ensure that nothing violent occurs during execution of a judgment such as an eviction; however, they would not normally do the actual eviction. They would be there to ensure the safety of the court authorized person who would do the physical eviction. Practices vary among the states, therefore one must look to the laws of the appropriate state for a more complete and specific answer to a question like this.

What is provision of information and can you name an advantage and a disadvantage of this?

Provision of Information is when the government provides information to the consumer in order for them to recognise the true costs/benefits to themselves. Advantage: Reduces over-consumption/decreases over-consumption Disadvantage: Information only informs consumers, does not enforce like taxation.

Constitutional role of the executive branch?

Mainly, the executive branch is to enforce the laws established by the legislative branch, while the judicial branch has the final say on interpreting the law.

Constitutional home rule?

Granted constitutional independence to some local units, primarily larger cities, giving them constitutional authority over their form of government and a wide range of other matters.

Which branch is responsible for enforcing laws?

The executive branch is responsible for putting laws into force. The legislature enacts the laws for the executive. The executive also enforces the will and judgments of the courts. In federal government cabinet agencies under the president enforce laws and regulations.