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Q: The due process guarantees of Americans are explicitly defined in the constitution true or false?
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What was the main argument in favor of the bill of rights?

The main argument that was made in favor of the Bill of Rights was that it would guard against the emergence of a tyrannical government. The anti-Federalists, in particular, fought to have the Bill of Rights included in the Constitution.

The power of the government is defined by the?

the power of the government is defined by the

How were the courts defined by the Constitution?

Courts have jurisdiction over interpretations of the constitution and can suggest amendments. The supreme court was the only one mentioned in the US constitution.

Who does the US Constitution delegate police powers mainly to?

The U.S. Constitution does not delegate police powers. The power of police departments are defined at the town, county, and state levels, not at a federal level. The powers of federal police forces like the U.S. Marshalls are defined in law by Congress, but these are not defined in the Constitution. The U.S. Constitution does cover military/war powers of the United States Government. The only time the Constitution may impact the power of police is when it comes to obeying federal laws. The U.S. Constitution specifically defines that federal law is "law of the land", meaning that federal ALWAYS supersedes local and state law.

The only crime specifically defined by the framers of the constitution is?

The only crime specifically mentioned in the Constitution is "treason". The Constitution is suitably vague on other crimes, merely referring to the possibility of "high crimes and misdemeanors". This allows some flexibility for interpretation - which is exactly what the writers intended.

Related questions

Are the due process guarantees of Americans explicitly defined in the constitution?

Read the book tob find the answer, don't google it, no cheating.

Reedom of the press is guaranteed in the U S Constitution in the Amendment?

1st Amendment. It also guarantees the freedom of speech, religion, and right to peaceably assemble

What was the main argument in favor of the bill of rights?

The main argument that was made in favor of the Bill of Rights was that it would guard against the emergence of a tyrannical government. The anti-Federalists, in particular, fought to have the Bill of Rights included in the Constitution.

What is the definition of definite?

Clearly defined and explicitly precise. Also, known for certain

The power of the government is defined by the?

the power of the government is defined by the

Is slavery strictly defined in the Constitution?


How have americans defined liberty throughout history?

Americans have defined liberty throughout history as freedom from the control of a centralized force.

What is the only crime defined in the Constitution?


What Part of speech is the word definitive?

The word definitive is an adjective. It describes something which has been explicitly defined.

How did the bill of rights further protect the freedom of citizens?

It clearly defined the rights protected by the U.S. Constitution. It clearly defined the rights protected by the U.S. Constitution.

Civil rights are defined as?

Constitutional guarantees to protect people from unfair treatment by government or other people. [Novanet]

What is the structure of the constitution?

Chaotic! There is no defined structure, the UK constitution is a collection of charters, conventions and treaties.