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This is an example of the ability of the national government to use its funding authority to achieve indirectly what it cannot achieve directly.

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Q: The fact that the federal government was able to get the states to adopt a uniform drinking age is an example of the?
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How was a confederation of states different from a federal system of government?

A confederation of states allows greater autonomy for the states involved than federalism does. In practice, both systems allow some degree of power to state governments and some degree of power to the higher level of government (whether we call it federal or confederate) but states tend to be more powerful in a confederate system. There would be different organization of areas of responsibility. In a federal republic the most of the law is uniform throughout all the states and provinces of the country and the states law deal with matters only that relate directly to them, while in a confederation there is no central code of law, each state or province has its own code of laws which are unique to the state and may be quite different from the other states. The American colonial system when governed by the Articles of Confederation lacked a central power to raise armies and make treaties. Tariff were also contradictory in the Confederation. Therefore a federal system has merit and the states via the central legislation still have immense input on tariffs and treaties.

What are 3 ways that the Constitution denies power to the National or Federal Government?

1. The Constitution denies some powers to the National Government in so many words - expressly. Among them are the powers to levy duties on exports; to deny freedom of religion, speech, press, or assembly; to conduct illegal searches or seizures; and to deny to any person a speedy and public trial, or a trial by jury. 2. Several powers are denied to the National Government because of the silence of the Constitution. Recall, the National Government is a government of delegated powers; it has only those powers the Constitution gives to it. Among the many powers not granted to the National Government are these: to create a public school system for the nation, to enact uniform marriage and divorce laws, and to set up units of local government. The Constitution says nothing that would give the National Government the power to do any of these things expressly, implicitly, or inherently. 3. Some powers are denied to the National Government because the Constitution established a federal system for the United States. Clearly the Constitution does not intend that the National Government should have any power to do those things that would threaten the existence of that system. For example, in the exercise of its power to tax, Congress cannot tax any of the States or their local units in the carrying out of their governmental functions. If it could, it would have the power to destroy (tax out of existence) one or more, or all, of the States.

In what three ways does the constitution deny powers to the national government?

First, the constitution denies some powers to the national government in so many words; expressly. Among them, congress may not levy duties on exports; prohibit freedom of religion, speech, press, or assembly; conduct illegal searches or seizures; nor deny to any person accused of a crime a speedy and public trial or a trial by jury. Second, several powers are denied to the national government because of the silence of the constitution. Powers to create a public school system for the nation, to enact uniform marriage and divorce laws, and to set up units of local government. Third, some powers are denied to the national government because of the federal system itself. Clearly the constitution does not intend that the national government should have any power to take action that would threaten the existence of that system.

Which of these individuals would be most likely to support the central powers?

People with far reaching business interests that would benefit from uniform and consistent rules and regulations. People that would supply goods to a strong central form of government would also benefit. This is a great example of 'one hand washing the other' in terms of the individuals helping the government and the government would help these individuals in return. A slow and gradual process that would evolve, grow and become more entrenched as time passed

Immigration law differs from country to country but not state to state?

Correct! Immigration law is basically a matter of national jurisdiction, means it is governed by the federal government of a country. But there may be variations in immigration policies and procedures among different countries, within a single country, immigration laws are generally uniform across all states or regions. You can say certain states or provinces may have specific regulations or programs. An immigration attorney or consultant like DYgreencard, will guide you the better way.

Related questions

What was the federal government's first major attempt to formalize accounting reporting standards?

The government's first major attempt at the formalization of authoritative reporting standards was in 1917 with the Federal Reserve Board's publication of Uniform Accounting.

Is the eeoc is an example of a law drafted by the national conference of commissioners on uniform state laws?

No. The EEOC (Equal Opportunity Employment Commission) is a federal agency, not a body of law. The UCC, Uniform Commercial Code, is an example of law drafted by the NCCUSL.

When did Ohio raise the drinking age to 21?

Ohio raised its limit in 1987, three years after the federal Uniform Drinking Age Act reduced federal transportation funding to states that did not raise their drinking age to 21.Interestingly, 19 states do not specifically prohibit drinking under the age of 21, only the purchase and public possession (with certain exceptions) of alcohol.Read more: When_did_Texas_raise_the_legal_drinking_age_to_21

Does federal government fund state government?

Yes. State governments often receive federal money in the form of grants. It is generally earmarked for a particular purpose. For example, when the federal government decided to encourage a nationwide interstate system, the federal government made grant money available to the states. The states then designed and constructed interstate highways, that complied with the federal directives, with the funds. Today, each state has and maintains a network of interstate highways that conform with a uniform standard. This sort of process is also very common with the education and energy systems, among other things.

Can marines drink in uniform?

As long as the Marine is of age and is not walking around while drinking, then yes, the Marine can drink in uniform.

Which federal agency oversees the Uniform Crime Reports?

The Federal Bureau of Investigations complies all Uniform Crime Reporting statistics in addition to setting the reporting standards for individual agencies to follow.

Where do bills concerning taxes originate?

According to Article I of the US Constitution, the power to tax was given to Congress. In the 16th Amendment, the need to make these taxes uniform was removed.

What agency compiles the uniform crime report?

Federal Bureau of Investigation

WHAT IS the example where acceleration is uniform?

Acceleration due to gravity is a uniform acceleration of 9.8m/s2.

What does g.i.stand for on the uniform of American military?

government issue

Does federalism provide for uniform laws among the States?

Yes in the sense that the Federal government has to treat the states similarly. However what each state passes in its own legislature, granted that it is not in violation of Federal law or the Constitution, is completely for it to decide and so the laws of states are not uniform at all. However the Full Faith and Credit clause of the constitution says that states must recognize judicial action of other states.

Which of following is best example of uniform circular motion?

A car driving around a circular track at a constant speed is a good example of uniform circular motion.