The 1852 Whig Party National Convention was bitterly divided - following the Compromise of 1850 and the failure of secession in 1850-51. 1852 would prove to be the final year that the Whig Party would put a candidate up for the position of President, and the party would soon cease to exist.
The issue of slavery split the party. "Conscience Whigs" in the North favored the abolition of slavery and halting the institution's spread into new territories. The "Cotton Whigs" in the South took the opposite viewpoints. Following Scott's poor showing in 1852, the southerners moved to the Democratic Party and the northerners to the newly formed Republican Party.
Franklin Pierce was the 'dark horse' candidate selected by the Democratic Party in 1852. Pierce became the 14th President of the US and was sworn in on March 4, 1853.
alignment with the antislavery wing of the Whig Party.
The Free Soil Party was a political party between 1848 and 1852. It was founded to stop the spread of slavery, and can be seen as an example of the abolitionist movement.
James Buchanan of the Democratic party was elected president at the United States Presidential Election of 1856. The other major candidates from the 1856 election included Millard Filmore of the Know-Nothing party and John C. Frémont of the Republican party.
Biela's comet after it split in 1846 and last seen in 1852.
The election of 1852.
In the election of 1852 the Whig Party began to be destroyed. The party was divided on whether or not to allow slavery in the new territories.
The issue of slavery split the party. "Conscience Whigs" in the North favored the abolition of slavery and halting the institution's spread into new territories. The "Cotton Whigs" in the South took the opposite viewpoints. Following Scott's poor showing in 1852, the southerners moved to the Democratic Party and the northerners to the newly formed Republican Party.
Whig party
The issue of slavery split the party. "Conscience Whigs" in the North favored the abolition of slavery and halting the institution's spread into new territories. The "Cotton Whigs" in the South took the opposite viewpoints. Following Scott's poor showing in 1852, the southerners moved to the Democratic Party and the northerners to the newly formed Republican Party. There is a link below.
Whig Party
Ohio Republican Party was created on 1852-02-13.
Independent Irish Party was created in 1852.
Franklin Pierce, a Democrat. He was the 14th president.
Franklin Pierce was the 'dark horse' candidate selected by the Democratic Party in 1852. Pierce became the 14th President of the US and was sworn in on March 4, 1853.
The slavery issue changed political parties. The Whig Party collapsed, divided between anti slavery Northerners and proslavery Southerners. With this split, a Democrat won the 1852 campaign for president. Some Whigs joined the new American party.