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Besides giving public schools taxpayer dollars for every occupied seat, the federal government has no involvement in school activities, cirriculum, hiring, or daily goings-on. They used to have authority, but, those powers were delegated to the states.

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Q: The federal government has the power to establish and maintain public schools true or false?
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What did the Supreme Court establish with its ruling that public schools in Washington D.C. could not be segregated?

the idea that the equal protection clause applied to the federal government as well as to the states

What powers do states have?

The states can establish local governments, conduct elections, create corporation laws, regulate business within the state, make marriage laws, provide for public safety, establish and maintain schools, and assume other powers not delegated to the national government or prohibited to states.

The Preamble to the Constitution lists the reserved powers?

* Establish local governments * establish and maintain schools * regulate business within the state * marriage laws * assume to the states other powers not delegated to the government or the states Reserved Powers Regulate trade within the state. Provide welfare within the state. Provide for the public health. Regulate commerce within the state. Determine qualifications of voters. Establish a public school system. Provide the public safety. Conduct elections. In charge of marriage laws. Establish and maintain schools.

What powers were left to the states in the constitution?

The states had the power to pass and enforce laws and regulate trade within their borders. They could also establish local governements, schools, and other institutions affecting the welfare of their citizens. Both federal and state governments also had the power to tax and to build roads.

Explain the difference among expressed reserved and concurrent powers?

Reserved powers are assigned to either the federal or local government, but not to both. Concurrent powers are assigned to both the federal and local government, and can be carried out simultaneously or as needed.

Related questions

Who has the power to maintain schools?

The state government has the power to establish and maintain schools. The federal government use to have this power before it was delegated to the states.

What are some of the powers only state government has?

To establish and maintain schools, establish local governments, oversee elections, and provide public safety.

Do schools fall under local or federal government?

Public schools fall under the local government. However, the Federal government apportions funding for the states, and by extension, the schools.

What did the Supreme Court establish with its ruling that public schools in Washington D.C. could not be segregated?

the idea that the equal protection clause applied to the federal government as well as to the states

What level of government must establish public schools?


What are six of the most important legislative powers of the California legislature?

the power to tax,spend,borrow,establish courts,and maintain public schools

What responsibilities does Australia's Federal Government have?

There are three levels of government in Australia: local, federal and state governments. The role of the state government is to run schools, prisons, police force, emergency services, maintain railways and roads in the states. The states receive funding from the federal government, and generate revenue by levying taxes.

What government has the power to establish and support schools?

The government has the power to establish schools. It is state and local governments that have the power.

What is the tinker standard?

It is about the right of the school to maintain order because the primary function of schools is education and anything that disrupt education can not be allowed. Therefore schools can establish dress code to maintain order.

Who has the authority to create school?

The state government has the authority to create schools.

What is the role of the federal government?

It looks after hospitals, taxes, schools and laws.

Are Illinois teacher considered government jobs?

Schools are a local government job, not a state or federal government job.