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Q: The form of government in which people are elected to represent the public is called an oligarchy?
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What is a government ruled by powerful wealthy called?

It is called oligarchy.

What is a government where elected officials represent a group of people called?

Generally speaking, a government where elected officials represent a group of people is called a democracy. This is not the same as Greek democracies.

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A government in which few people have power is called what?

An oligarchy is "a government in which power is in the hands of a few."

What is a government run by the few called?

Government by the few is an oligarchy, by a single powerful ruler an autocracy, and by the landed gentry an aristocracy.

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Is an oligarchy a form of government where a king rules?

False. This is called a monarchy.

What Government in which only a few people have power is called?

An oligarchy is "a government in which power is in the hands of a few."

What kind of government in which only a few people have power?

It's called an oligarchy

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A system of government by groups or officals?

A group of people who have elected someone else to represent them is called what?

A group of people who have elected someone else to represent them is called an incumbency. This person will serve as an official post.