The fossil record is incomplete because:
A.) very few organisms were preserved as fossils.
B.) organisms tend to decay before becoming a fossil.
C.) animals with hard parts are preserved more easily.
D.) geological processes may destroy fossils.
E.) all of these.
The totality of fossilized artifacts and their placement within the rock strata. It provides information about the history of life on earth, for instance what the organisms look like, where and when they live, how they evolved, etc. Second question 1: Only a very small proportion of organisms get buried quickly enough to prevent them decomposing
2: Not all organisms have hard parts
3; Sediments containing fossils are continually being eroded and removed along with their fossil content
4: metamorphism and deformation destroy fossils
5: many fossils are still buried in rocks not exposed at the surface
6: the sea floor in particular is being continuously recycled, so deep marine organisms are seldom preserved.
To become a fossil an organism needs to have hard parts, die and be buried in an anaerobic environment very quickly, and then be preserved through geological time, without being destroyed by tectonism or metamorphism, or removed by erosion. These are pretty rare circumstances, so organisms becoming fossilized are the exceptions rather than the rule.
Fossils are quite rare, as it takes a number of unusual circumstances a) to form a fossil from any given organism (and some organisms don't fossilise at all) b) for the fossil to be preserved and c) for the fossil to be discovered.
Even then, many fossils must have been found by people in the past and then destroyed or discarded. In Ancient China, people believed the dinosaur fossils were the remains of dragons, and used them, ground to powder, as medicines. China today has a lot of dinosaur fossils, but imagine what may have been lost!
As a result, the fossil record that we have probably represents something less than 5% of all the living organisms that have existed on this planet. Many organisms in the fossil record are so far only known through one single example. Finally, the fossil record is heavily slanted towards creatures which have hard, solid body parts, such as vertebrates.
That being the case, the really impressive thing about the fossil record is how much we have, and how many transitional forms are known.
a record that shows how fossils have changed over time
No, the fossil record is not complete. Not all animals and plants were fossilized during the last 4 billion years of the earths existence.
The fossil record shows that mammals and the great dinosaurs shared the same times. It also shows that mammals made a major surge in population when the dinosaurs died out.
Nevada's state fossil is ichthyosaur
Because of a person with an appointment does not show up, there is a record that he was supposed to be there
Because its all a lie. God created us all.
The fossil record is incomplete because not all organisms fossilize, and not all fossils are found or preserved. Fossilization depends on specific conditions such as rapid burial and mineralization. Therefore, the fossil record only represents a small fraction of the organisms that lived in the past.
The fossil record is incomplete.
The fossil record is incomplete because not all fossils have been discovered. In actuality it is unlikely that all fossils will ever be discovered given the hit and miss nature of fossil discovery which usually occurs through educated guess work. The fossil record will likely never be complete.
The fossil record is incomplete due to the biased preservation of certain organisms, as only a small fraction of all organisms that have lived on Earth become fossils. Factors like rapid decay, destruction of fossils by geological processes, and limited fossilization conditions also contribute to the incomplete nature of the record. Additionally, the fossil record is further obscured by gaps in sediment deposition and difficulties in accessing and excavating fossils from certain areas.
Fossil records are not complete. By some estimates, less than 1% of organisms that have lived appear in the fossil record.
-The tendency of loss at extinction boundaries to appear, because of incomplete sampling, more gradual in the fossil record than it actually was during the extinction event.
-The tendency of loss at extinction boundaries to appear, because of incomplete sampling, more gradual in the fossil record than it actually was during the extinction event.
The tendency of loss at extinction boundaries to appear, because of incomplete sampling, more gradual in the fossil record than it actually was during the extinction event.
The fossil record is incomplete because fossilization is a rare process that requires specific conditions to preserve an organism's remains. Factors such as decay, scavenging, and geological processes can also contribute to the gaps in the fossil record. Additionally, not all organisms have hard parts that can fossilize, further limiting the representation of past life.
Fossil records contain radiation, and the older the fossil is, the less radiation it gives off. Scientists study how much radiation is in the fossil record, and they find out how old the earth is.
The answer is the fossil record :D