The founders allowed for amendments, and through the years, these have made some very important changes, including giving African-Americans and women the right to vote. There are currently 27 amendments to the constitution.
The founders created a Constitution that could be adapted for the future through amendments. Popular sovereignty is what gives the Constitution this much power.
The Founders of the U.S.A. intentionally created a Constitution and, more generally, a government, that could be adapted for the future especially through the amendment process: new discoveries and changing circumstances can make an impact on government by newly adopted constitutional amendments. Further, the three primary branches of the government, individually or working together, can foment change through processes laid down by the Founders.
Changes to the written provisions of the constitution can only be made through constitutional amendments.
Changes to the written provisions of the Constitution may be made only through the process of?
Drug recycling programs are attached with the US Constitution. So whenever any changes happens it has to be informed and passed through the constitution.
The founders created a Constitution that could be adapted for the future through amendments. Popular sovereignty is what gives the Constitution this much power.
The Founders of the U.S.A. intentionally created a Constitution and, more generally, a government, that could be adapted for the future especially through the amendment process: new discoveries and changing circumstances can make an impact on government by newly adopted constitutional amendments. Further, the three primary branches of the government, individually or working together, can foment change through processes laid down by the Founders.
Our founding fathers knew that the Constitution they created was not perfect, and that through time, might be changed for the better, or to accustom future generations.
The documents reveal the Founders' political philosophy through concepts like limited government, natural rights, and the social contract. The New Hampshire Constitution reflects John Locke's philosophy by emphasizing the protection of individual rights, separation of powers, and consent of the governed, all of which were central to Locke's ideas on political theory.
federal judiciary
No, the Framers created a republic, not a democracy.
The founders of the different world religions are believed to be "anointed" Messengers of God who brought revelations to different peoples of the earth at various times through advancing civilizations.
Through thousands of years crocodiles have adapted and changed through every birth and after a billion little changes it makes one big change.
rigid constitution are those constitution that can not be changed why FLEXIBLE constitution are constitution that can be changed through a process of amendment
bring the birth of constitution through rules
either instincts or through experience