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its acceptance by at least nine states in special conventions.

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Q: The framers of the Constitution of 1787 established it would be ratified by?
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Article 7 of the constitution describes how the constitution would be?


What events or law brought about the creation of the amendments?

Some of the framers of the Constitution wanted a section added to the Constitution to spell out the rights of the people. It was decided that the constitution would be sent to the states for ratification, and as soon as ratified, the Bill of Rights would be added to the Constitution.

Articles VII of the constitution describes?

How the Constitution would be ratified

The framers of the Constitution anticipated that the Senate would be?

The framers of the Constitution anticipated that the Senate would be an equal arm of the government. The House of Representatives is a representational arm of government.

What did the framers proposal center around?

The framers of the constitution feared that the lack of government would have the potential to cause anarchy. The framers proposal centered around a constitution that had more government control.

What did the 1st amendment reveal about the attitude toward freedom held by the framers of the US Constitution?

The Framers of American Constitution were visionaries. They did design the Constitution to endure. They not only addressed the specific challenges facing the nation during their lifetimes, but also established the foundational principles that would sustain and also guide the new nation into an uncertain future.

The best characterization of the framers of the constitution would be?

experienced, practical politicians

The Constitution would be ratified after what state approved it?

Nine (9)

Did Article 1 of the constitution come before or after the Bill of Rights?

The Constitution itself was ratified in 1787. The Bill of Rights, the 1st ten amendments to the Constitution, was added to the Constitution in 1789.

Why did the framers of the constitution want selection of justices to be non democratic?

i had the same question and this is the answer i got:

The Constitution's framers believed that Congress's greatest prerogative would be what?

The power of the purse.

If the framers had filled the constitution with details and specific guidelines how would it have affected the process of informal change?

If the framers had filled the Constitution with details and specific guidelines, it would have made things a lot harder to change in a generalized way.