The government of the United States is a democracy because citizens vote for their leaders.
To help the citizens of the United states; but with out taking any rights away from them
All citizens vote directly on economic policies
Serve on a juryVote in a federal electionTwo responsibilities of US citizens are to serve on a jury and vote in federal elections. The Constitution gives citizens the rights to a trial by a jury. The jury is made up of US citizens. Participation of citizens on a jury helps ensure a fair trial. Another important responsibility of citizens is voting. The law does not require citizens to vote, but voting is very important part of any democracy. By voting, citizens are participating in the democratic process. Citizens vote for leaders to represent them and their ideas, and the leaders support the citizens' interests.
citizens of individual states were also citizens of the united states
Is known as a "Republic." Not to be confused with a "Democracy," which is defined as a government run by the people. The United States government is a "Representative Democracy," which is where citizens choose who represents them and runs the country.
To help the citizens of the United states; but with out taking any rights away from them
All citizens vote directly on economic policies
the us government wanted to keep the citizens safe :p
The type of government in which citizens choose representatives to run the government is a representative government. This is the type of government that the United States borrowed from Greece once their independence from Great Britain was obtained.
The citizens of Polish does not have the same rights as the United States. The United States is the country with the most freedom.
The citizens of Polish does not have the same rights as the United States. The United States is the country with the most freedom.
Our founding fathers wanted the United States to allow citizens to practice whatever religion they chose. They did not want the United States government to establish only one religion. Our founding fathers wanted the citizens of the United States to have the freedom of religious choice, so placed this requirement in the Bill of Rights. That way, the United States government could not require citizens to practice Islam, Buddhism, or any other type of religion.
Our founding fathers wanted the United States to allow citizens to practice whatever religion they chose. They did not want the United States government to establish only one religion. Our founding fathers wanted the citizens of the United States to have the freedom of religious choice, so placed this requirement in the Bill of Rights. That way, the United States government could not require citizens to practice Islam, Buddhism, or any other type of religion.
The Constitution of the State of New York establishes New York's government structure. It enumerates the rights of its citizens. The United States Constitution enumerates the rights of the citizens of the United States. It also sets the limits on what the government can and cannot do.
The purpose of the national government of the United States is to protect its citizens. This protection applies to both foreign and domestic threats.
Citizens Party of the United States was created on 2004-11-02.