There were ancient horses native to the Americas, but they went extinct prior to human civilizations being founded. The current mustang population of the American West, the Chincoteague Ponies and other feral horse populations are all descendants of horses and ponies brought over by the European explorers, settlers and conquistadors.
With the understanding that Mexico is in North America, Native Americans did not have the diseases that Europeans brought to the New World. Also, horses and the wheel were not in the Native American empires and Tribes.
Anywhere in North America, south America, Africa, and Asia
usa is a country and north and south America are continents
Alberta, Canada has the nickname of the Kuwait of North America. This is because of the large amount of oil found in both places.
The horse evolved over the continents of Europe, Asia, and North America. The horse died out in North America and was reintroduced by Spanish and viking explorers.
Frogs were probably brought to america accidently on Christopher Columbus's ships or another famous explorers ships. No one has proof though for sure.
Disease brought over to the Indians of South America and North America by the Spaniards and other explorers.
Spanish came with weapons into North/South America, so all early explorers had weapons.
Explorers in the 14th century did not reach North America; it wasn't until the late 15th century that European explorers like Christopher Columbus made contact. When Columbus and subsequent explorers arrived in North America, they brought new diseases, animals such as horses and pigs, plants like wheat and grapes, and technologies like metal tools and firearms, which had a significant impact on the indigenous peoples and the environment.
becase Catholic explorers focused landed in North America more than they did in North America, and by the time Explorers decided to land in North America, they were mostly Protestant
Early European explorers brought the horse with them from western Europe.
The original Spanish explorers brought horses to North America. Many of those horses were turned loose when the Spaniards returned to Spain and they intermingled with native horses (horses that came from China over the ice cap). The Mustang is the result of that interbreeding. The first importation of Spanish Arabian horses was in 1934 when James and Edna Draper (from California) imported the first purebred Arabian horses to the United States.
there were many explorers and many of them ended up in north America.
The horses were already there for the indians.
One could argue that all discovery is good, but at the same time, Columbus and other explorers brought diseases to north America that nearly wiped out the natives there. This is subjective.