The Anti-federalists opposed the Constitution because it didn't have a section protecting individual rights.
Peripheral Rights
bill of rights
Social contract is the only government theory that focuses on protecting the rights of the governed. The other theories of government are divine right, force, and evolutionary.
According to the Declaration, Governments are created with the consent (permission) of the governed (i.e. their citizens) to secure the "Unalienable rights" such as Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As such, when a government is actually infringing upon those rights (i.e. violating those rights instead of protecting them), it is the right of the people to abolish (get rid of) it and create a new government. In other words, they believed it was their right because the government could only exist with their consent, which they no longer gave, for the purpose of protecting rights which it infringed upon rather than protecting. They believed it was their duty because they felt that King George was a despot (essentially a tyrant for our purposes) and listed a long list of examples to back this up.
The states.
The obligations each citizen has to the nation are known as citizenship rights. This mainly include protecting the nation in all ways by being patriotic.
why is legislation important in upholding and protecting the rights of both employer and employee?
There are laws in place protecting the rights of people on the internet already.
The tribune of the Plebs or the Plebeian Tribune was the official supposed to be in charge of protecting the rights of the poorer people.
The Anti-federalists opposed the Constitution because it didn't have a section protecting individual rights.
The 9th states that there are other rights that exists aside from the ones listed. No rights are listed.
protects other rights that might not have been listed in the Constitution.
The 9th amendment states that all rights not listed in the Bill of Rights go to the states to decide.
Lolly pops and turtles
The Rights that people have YAY