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With a little French help, the colonists were able to beat the British in the final battle of the Revolutionary War. This battle took place in Yorktown, Virginia.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

The battle of Yorktown. The French helped the Americans defeat the British, by lending them their navy.

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Q: The last battle of the American Revolution?
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it was the last major battle in the American revolution it was the last major battle of the American Revolution

What was the significance of Yorktown?

it was the last major battle in the American revolution it was the last major battle of the American Revolution

What was the significance of Yorktown in 1775-1783?

The significance of the battle was that it was the last major battle in the American Revolution.

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the battle of yorktown

What was the last battle in the American Revolution?

it is the Battle of Yorktownn :)

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What was the last battle fought in the American revolution?

The Battle of Yorktown.

Was the battle of Yorktown the last battle of the American revolution?

yes it was

The last important battle of the American Revolution was the .?

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The Battle of Yorktown.

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In Charlestown, or Charleston. Although the official last battle of the American Revolution is in Yorktown, Virginia.

Where was the last battle of the American revolution?

Yorktown ,VA